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Samba's 888 Staking request


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  • Name: Samba_SamPa on PL

    , gwladys6 on 888
  • Stake Requested: $99 - 10 shares of $10 (min xfer on 888 is $10)
  • Event/Tournament: 888 Mon & Fri Challenges, + a Sunday sat
  • Offer: Stakeback plus 55% of profit
  • Date of Event/Tournament: 5th/12th, 7th, 9th September 2011

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Peter Norton agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Just been watching my mate cash in 888's Sunday Challenge and, no offence to him :lol, but it reminded why I enjoyed playing on there so much earlier in the year. I feel in good form, 3 FTs from my last 3 tourneys - 7th of 120 at the Circus in Newcastle on Thursday; and a 3rd of 21 and a 2nd of 1440 tonight online - so if I can persuade some of you to invest then I fancy a crack at a couple of the Challenges this week :) There's 2 x $22 tourneys on a Monday, plus the $33 one on a Friday that I would play. In addition to one of the nightly $22 10x seats Gtd satellites to the next Sunday Challenge. That makes a total of $99 I am asking for, in exchange for a repayment offer of full stakeback plus 55% of profits. If any of you are interested I would ask for transfers on 888, where my name is gwladys6. If I manage to sell out by 17 hours time from now (7:30pm Monday), then I will play the Monday Challenges tonight. If not, I will give it to Friday, and play this Friday then Monday 12th. Thanks for reading folks :cheers ---------- ooblio - 10 shares - $99 received, tyvm

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Re: Samba's 888 Staking request Here's the added bonuses for dual cashes tonight

  • Cash in both Monday Twins tournaments on the same day, and you'll win (in addition to your regular prizes) free entry to both of next week's Monday Twins tournaments.
  • Final table both Monday Twins tournaments on the same day and you'll win entry to all of the next month's $100,000 Sunday Challenge tournaments (worth over $300).
  • Win one Monday Twins tournament and final table the other on the same day and you'll win a $1,000 bonus.
  • Win one Monday Twins tournament and finish second in the other on the same day and a $2,500 cash bounty is yours.
  • Win both Monday Twins tournaments on the same day and you'll win a $10,000 bonus to go along with the lion's share of each tournament's prize pool.

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Re: Samba's 888 Staking request Just went out 20 from the cash in the Flush. Royal exit was a while ago. TT on the button, I have 11.5 BBs left. Blinds 300/600 (60). Mid pos raises to 1400, hijack calls, I shove for ~6.7k. Original raiser dwells and reshoves, hijack snap calls all-in (orig raiser has him covered!). Original raiser also TT, Snap calling Hijack has KQo :\ Flop xQQ... goodnight :sad I'll play the Sunday satellite either tomorrow or Wednesday :hope

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Re: Samba's 888 Staking request Will just keep the thread updated Mark, on the off chance anybody has a gander and wonders where the results are :ok Was going to play the Friday Challenge tonight, along with a Satellite to the Sunday Challenge, but didn't get to bed til nigh on 4am this morning, and felt too tired to do either of us justice. So $55's been sent back to Mark, and we'll revisit it next Friday

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