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Gala Bristol Festival latest over £50k in main event prize pool

bristol cardroom

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last night saw 92 runners in the £200 event with prize £18,400 prize pool, today is the 1st day of the main event £750+50 and there is already over £50,000 in the prize pool and players can still register for tomorrow day 1b which starts at 3pm and late registration for the 1st 3 levels you can enter by buying in over the the phone on 0117 9069970 until 2pm tomorrow and then in person after.

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Re: Gala Bristol Festival latest over £50k in main event prize pool Won't make it this time personally I'm afraid, narrowly missed out in the online final and some non-poker committments now too, but wish you every success and hope to see you guys again soon. Had great fun in the PokerPlayer Tour with you earlier in the year and I'm sure the festival will be a similar success. :welcome to Punters Lounge and please keep posting these events as looking for any excuse to return to play at this great venue again :ok Good luck to any PL'ers playing. Bart

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Re: Gala Bristol Festival latest over £50k in main event prize pool thanks for the compliments. The current standings after day 1a leaves us with 28 players left, Antonio Pietragala 21,500, Adnan Aljibouri 36,000, David Milby 25,600, Richard Simmons 8,400, Owen Lock 30,200, Anthony Collett 45,350, Andrew Callow 25,000, Lee Davies 22,300, Harpit Gurnam 66,500, James Rowat 10,800, Alan Vinnicombe 39,050, Dan Carney 40,250, Stu Kinghorn 50,950, Lloyd Rees 19,900, Sabastian Saffari 28,750, Alex Jones 8,350, James Williams 28,050, Ali Robertson 72,500, Ben Battle 49,250, Adrian Pietragala 22,000, Reafe Tucker 57,050, Leroy Woodhouse, 30,300, Jonathan Ruff 40,400 Steven Aldred 44,250 James Browning 11,250, Andrew Fleming 30,100, Jim Mustfa 24,700, Richard Ambrose 30,600 there is still time to enter on Saturday and also updates at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.239244309446237.49513.133575560013113&type=1#!/galacasinobristolharbourside?closeTheater=1

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Re: Gala Bristol Festival latest over £50k in main event prize pool 22 players made it to the end of day 1b giving 50 players going into day 2 final chip standings for day 1b are: 53,150 Matt Hudd 36,300 Ryan Fronda 63,450 Charles Efstathiou 38,650 Alexander Torrance 17,000 Andrew Garland 15,800 Alistair Brearley 8,300 Mike Graves 40,600 Amir Amrabadi 37,900 Brad Gibbs 33,850 Witold Nosko 7050 Billy Ngo 60,950 Yadi Ahmadi 32,550 Paul Loughlin 19,950 Rob Akery 7700 Jeremy Beaugender 8650 Kelly Peters 50,150 Jim Tierney 14,150 Andrew Miles 56,650 Peter Ruddick 27,500 Tom Fielding 27,950 Stephen Jelinek 74,800

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