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Did I play this hand right ?


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***** Hand 2666977659 ***** 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) Hand started: 12. august 2011 18:20:32 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: martc2002 (1665.00) Seat 2: JIVKO7 (1710.00) Seat 3: (Empty) Seat 4: conam2013 (3960.00) Seat 5: (Empty) Seat 6: evi1101 (4325.00) Seat 7: ToybyT (3210.00) Seat 8: (Empty) Seat 9: Guindor (1240.00) Seat 10: mnixxo (1785.00) ToybyT is Dealer Guindor post SB 15.00 mnixxo post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** martc2002 [N/A, N/A] JIVKO7 [N/A, N/A] conam2013 [N/A, N/A] evi1101 [N/A, N/A] ToybyT [N/A, N/A] Guindor [N/A, N/A] mnixxo [2h, Ah] *** Bet Round 1 *** martc2002 Call 30.00 JIVKO7 Fold conam2013 Call 30.00 evi1101 Call 30.00 ToybyT Call 30.00 Guindor Call 30.00 mnixxo Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [2c, 9h, 9s] *** Bet Round 2 *** Guindor Check mnixxo Bet 70.00 martc2002 Fold conam2013 Call 70.00 evi1101 Fold ToybyT Fold Guindor Call 70.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2c, 9h, 9s, 6h] *** Bet Round 3 *** Guindor Check mnixxo Bet 100.00 conam2013 Call 100.00 Guindor Fold *** River(Board): *** : [2c, 9h, 9s, 6h, 8h] *** Bet Round 4 *** mnixxo Bet 480.00 conam2013 All-in 3760.00 mnixxo All-in 1585.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3760.00 conam2013 [9c, 8s] Full house Win: 3760.00 mnixxo [2h, Ah] Ace high flush Win: 0.00 Hand ended: 12. august 2011 18:22:01 :unsure

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Re: Did I play this hand right ? tough one and very unlucky, nothing really wrong until the round 4 betting, your bet was okay,but alarm bells should have been ringing when he comes over top with the all-in. hard to lay down Ace flush in that position and not sure if i would have done. assuming this was early on in the tourney.

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Re: Did I play this hand right ? thanks ... yes it was early in the tournament ... i was thinking about folding after his all-in .. but i thought he has only set :( would someone else fold or call his all-in? or what´s your opinion about my play.

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Re: Did I play this hand right ? In isolation, with no other meta information, I dont like the way you've played the hand I'm afraid. :( You've bet the flop and the turn, building a pot, out of position with bottom pair, on a paired board against 5 opponents. The chances you are ahead are small! Any pocket pair is beating you and any 9 is beating you. EVERYTHING else is overcards to your pair and has a good chance of beating you if they get to the river. So you're either already behind and unlikely to win the hand, or if you are winning, you are facing every chance of being outdrawn. Its not a good situation to be playing a big pot. If you do take a stab at the pot (and I doubt I would against that many opponents, and out of position), then you definitely need to control the pot size, which means not betting every street. By the time he goes all in on the river, there's every likelihood that you're beat, but you only need to be best about 30% of the time to be able to call. I think the bigger mistakes came in the earlier streets (flop and turn). What is your reason for thinking he only had a set - was this based on observations from his play earlier?

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Re: Did I play this hand right ? I think the most important question here is why did you bet the flop? I did it because all players except conam2013 were really tight and when they didn't flop anything they used to fold to any bet. After my bet it really happened. Conam mixed up his play. Two hands he won with only middle pair (aggressive play), and also won with set (slowplaying). Turn I bet $100 ($180 pot) because I have low pair and nut flush draw.

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Re: Did I play this hand right ? I think my mistake came in river after his all-in reraise. Because all others bets I can justify. But I would be really happy for any other suggestions, advices, etc. how to play hands like this. :notworthy

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Re: Did I play this hand right ?

I did it because all players except conam2013 were really tight and when they didn't flop anything they used to fold to any bet. After my bet it really happened.
Small [but significant] thing here - I'm assuming you really mean that they were weak (i.e. folded a lot of flops to bets when they missed) rather than tight (they folded a lot pre flop)? In that case I presume your read is that when Guindor calls your flop bet, you think he hit the flop?
Conam mixed up his play. Two hands he won with only middle pair (aggressive play)' date= and also won with set (slowplaying). FYP [Fixed your post]. Seriously, don't underestimate the significance of a paired board when playing a flush/flush draw. Especially when 5 opponents were still in the hand when the paired board fell.
"only middle pair" beats bottom pair :p So you have 2 opponents calling your flop bet, both of whom, from what you describe, you think are ahead of you. So your turn bet is a bluff - you dont believe that you have the best hand and you are trying to get them to fold a better hand. Not worth it at this stage of a tournament - your risk/reward ratio is all wrong - you're risking too many chips to win too few. You may be trying to build a pot in the hope of getting all in if you hit the nut flush - which would be fine on a non paired board. Because the board is paired, you should slow down and avoid building a big pot.
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Re: Did I play this hand right ?

- which would be fine on a non paired board. Because the board is paired, you should slow down and avoid building a big pot.
This is a great truth. ... Thanks GaF for your replies. They give me a lot. :notworthy
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Re: Did I play this hand right ? Have to agree with gaf, with all the limpers in the pot there is a high likelyhood you are up against a pocket pair or hand that will make a full house on a paired as happened. Dont think I would have bet the flop with so many in the pot and believe it is a mistake to try for 3 streets of betting as you are only getting called with better.

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Re: Did I play this hand right ?

I disagree - I think the biggest mistake was earlier streets. I presume from his question' date=' that Dave feels the same?[/quote'] The best place to cut out mistakes is early in a hand. For example if you don't fold a hand preflop that you should fold, I think that's the worse mistake possible, because it gives you 3 further streets to make that initial "small" mistake into something much bigger. You say that you bet the flop because your opponents fold if they haven't got anything. So I assume that you would be betting any cards you have here? Otherwise that argument is untrue, as well as bad poker. For what it's worth, any half decent play won't believe you have anything when you lead out on a paired board, and will make your life difficult on that and future streets whether they have anything or not. To be honest I haven't looked at the rest of the hand, but based on the flop I wouldn't be putting another chip in the pot post flop unless things drastically improved, and would even be check-folding the flop.
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Re: Did I play this hand right ? GaF makes many good points. The problems start with your flop bet. Also I am wondering what was your intent on the turn when you bet 25% of the pot... It seems too little to hope both would fold and I don't see how on such a board against multiple opponents you would want to increase the pot size... http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/view.php/id/3603040

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Did I play this hand right ? Flop play was ok. Because you got now 2 pair. and you wont see that your opponent will catch on turn or river his outs. So bet on flop ok but next time higher. Turn: Youll pick up flushdraw. E could have a pocket or set. So i will check call here. River: with the danger of a full house. i would just check call again. and dont play here all in.

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Re: Did I play this hand right ? I think once you got to the river you had to call with the A flush. I'd always have been concerned about the paired board but you wouldn't want to get pushed out against trips. I wouldn't have made it this far though because I'd have likely checked the flop and folded to a bet. I don't think betting the flop was awful though given your read on the players but I'd have definately checked the turn if I had made the decision to bet the flop. Best play in my mind would have been to get out on the flop to any bet. Just my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Did I play this hand right ? 1. I don't like limping into a pot preflop that hasn't been raised .. that said only one caller (and my personal preference as you gain no information on the likely strength or range of your opponents hand) 2. Nothing much wrong with the way you played it, he is not laying it down and neither are you, bet smacks of weakness and I have called these types of allin shoves to mostly find they are bluffing the scare cards .. but occasionally you get some bad news ... I doubt I could lay down the nut flush on that board .. but you should be raising preflop to get an idea of what their holding is. Though in this instance I doubt it would make any difference as I suspect he will simply call a 3 bet to see the flop,

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