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Re: DTD GRAND PRIX - 6 SEATS UP FOR GRABS! Live poker is so fixed :wall:wall:wall:wall I set a new personal record for myself this evening went out in 55 minutes :wall:wall:wall played onlt 2 hands of any significance jj v's qq on a 6 high flop managed to lose only 3.5k,and then my exit hand 10j spades raise to 350 4 callers flop is q98 2 hearts flop the nuts i bet 1250 2 callers oh dear someones flushing,next cards a 6h and puts flush in but i decide what the hell lets hope,i put my remaining stack in 5850 girl folds guy who as called nearly every hand takes about 4 minutes and calls turns over AA with the Ah 7h on river and im out. Thats my last 5 live tourneys when ive been in front and lost on river my confidence is shot right now lets hope i get my mojo back for the goliath next week :unsure:unsure:unsure:unsure. ps thanks a lot to jon for the chance of playing this for free cant say i enjoyed it but tyvm :ok:ok:ok

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out, crippled wheni call an all in who shows K9, i have AK, he flops a 9 :eyes then AJ all in lose to QQ. good luck AndyBell :wall thanks to Jon and WPT Mag for the opportunity :ok
UL AL - has been super fishy tourney tonight. Was shocked to see everyone goign so crazy on the rebuy front in first 20 mins - literally carnage as peeps were donkign off left right and centre! I was nealry out - down to 4k and then have caught a bit of a heater so up to £18k with 23 left. Not sure how to work pout how many seats left due to all those rebuys??? will keep u posted...
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