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Laying Teams and playing with profits..


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I am going to try a system where by I have 10pts starting capital, and I am splitting this into 2 5pt sections. I am going to be laying teams/people not to lose, and I will be placing 5pts on each of the first selections I make. The idea is that if I can make 5pts from the tactic, then I will start another one going and so on, or I might save it until one of my selections lose. The first 5pts I am going to use for a non-lose double, treble or accumulator depending on who's playing and where. (eg Man U, Chelsea and Arsenal at home) I may in this one split the stake in half again as there is a higher risk of losing. The second 5pts is going to be made up of a selection of singles at football (lays) and also some of the more obvious tennis games. Im going to have a good look through and see what the first bets il place and il post them up. I know its not the best strategy but nearly all the bets I lose have been from teams drawing instead of winning so its worth a pot. Sco

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Re: Not to lose strategy First two bets are both from the FA cup, as didnt see much going for the accumulator:( 1) Burnley V Liverpool Liverpool to win @ 1.53 £3.61@ 1.53 returns £5.54 - Off Liverpool to draw @ 3.60 £1.39@ 3.6 returns £5.00 - Off 2) Plymouth V Everton Everton to win @ 1.80 £3.16 @ 1.8 returns £5.94 :clap Everton to draw @ 3.1 £1.70 @ 3.1 returns £5.27 I strongly think they will both win, so I have put them both in favour of wins. Come on Merseyside!:hope If they both Win il make just under 1.5pts profit:tongue2 Starting bank = 10pts Current bank = 0pts Bank A = 0pts Bank B = 0pts Sco

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Re: Not to lose strategy Oops my mistake! It was acyually 3.30 on Everton, i must have forgotten to change the stakes. Il edit it now. Im looking at a way of trying to play with the profits I make. For example if liverpool win I will take the .54 pts, and place a bet on a odds on favourite. If Liverpool actually win tonight I will put the profits on Hartlepool to Win Vs Boston. Then if I win or lose thats it, the profit is banked, or lost. A bit of a gamble but assuming that I can not lose for a while on the laying, it should give me the opportunity to make a bit of money. Sco PS- Anyone tried something like this before, and what do you reckon my chances are? Its more of a learning experience for me than anything else.

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Re: Not to lose strategy Ok after the Liverpool game has been cancelled I have made another selection: 1) Villarreal V Barcelona Barcelona to win @ 1.90 £3.20 @ 1.9 returns £6.15 Barcelona to draw @ 3.25 £1.80 @ 3.25 returns £5.85 Quite glad the Liverpool game was off as I was starting to get worried about it with all the bad conditions and players rested. Sco

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Re: Not to lose strategy Plymouth 0 - 2 Everton:ok Although the game is still playing im pretty confident that the first bet is safe. Any profit I make I will put on Verona to win in serie B. Will post back up with any bets that I place. Sco

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Re: Laying Teams and playing with profits.. Game 2 Result: Plymouth 1 V 3 Everton :ok wins .95pts Game 2 Profit Gamble: Valencia to beat Levante @1.40 0.95pts After this game I am going to be gambling any winnings which I make on recommendations from people in these forums. If anyone has comments on the system id like to know. Sco

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Re: Laying Teams and playing with profits.. Valencia 1-0 up, looks good for you mate hope i dont jinx it! I was looking at doing non losing doubles,trebles,accumulators and found this to be very very useful: http://www.footballanorak.com/not_to_lose.html Just pick any teams you want really as some wont be listed such as foreign teams but that dont matter because then you can just fill in the odds for your team(s) to draw/win and it works out the best possible way to stake your bet for your non-losing accumulator. Heres how it autmatically works out your stake and team odds Everton to win @ 1.8 £3.24 @ 1.8 returns £5.82 Everton to draw @ 3.3 £1.76 @ 3.3 returns £5.82 The way you staked meant you either won 5.94 or 5.27, this provides better returns overall, unless you were hoping for a bigger return for the win. Heres an example of a non-losing treble accumulator where all the bets are worked out. http://www.footballanorak.com/not_to_lose.html?stake=10&odds%5B96%5D%5Bdraw%5D=3.25&odds%5B96%5D%5Bwin%5D=1.65&odds%5B96%5D%5Bname%5D=Bristol+Rovers&odds%5B83%5D%5Bdraw%5D=3.25&odds%5B83%5D%5Bwin%5D=4.00&odds%5B83%5D%5Bname%5D=Bristol+City&odds%5B165%5D%5Bdraw%5D=3.10&odds%5B165%5D%5Bwin%5D=2.10&odds%5B165%5D%5Bname%5D=Boston+United+FC Just seeing if this helps for your system:ok

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Re: Laying Teams and playing with profits.. Thats actually how Iv been working it out. :clap Ie football anorak. Its a great site. The part about possibly saving 5pts (Thats if I win it;) ) is because eventually I am sure I will get a selection wrong, and lose 5 points, therefor if I have 5pts saved then I will always try and keep my bankroll above 10pts. If I were to gain 10 pts (Ie profits over a few weeks from both banks) Then I would save 5 of the points and then do 1 of 2 things. 1) Use the spare 5pts to create a 3rd bank, and play similarly to the others or 2) Increase the 2 banks stakes by 2.5pts. This all however does depend on me making 5pts profit. If I lose one of my selections then I will just continue until I lose all my money or can make enough to start another bank again. We will see...:hope Anyway here are the results and the new bank Game 2 Profit Gamble Result: Valencia 2 V 1 Levante Returns 1.33pts:ok Starting Bank = 10pts Current Bank = Pending Bank A = Pending Bank B = 6.33pts Come on Barca tommorrow! Sco

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Re: Laying Teams and playing with profits.. Ok. Finally got a bit of time so I have posted back up. The Barcelona game taught me a HUGE lesson. Dont just bet on a team that 'should' win without checking out the stats. I dont know what they were but it was just stupid bet on my part. Hopefully this next bet is a little better researched, and from now on I will always give my reasoning behind the bet to stop stupid bets:o 3)Caen V PSG Lille V Marseille PSG to win @ 2.37 Lille to win @ 2.10 £1.07 @ 4.98 returns £5.34 PSG to win @ 2.37 Lille to draw @ 3.00 £0.75 @ 7.11 returns £5.34 PSG to draw @ 2.87 Lille to win @ 2.10 £0.89 @ 6.03 returns £5.34 PSG to draw @ 2.87 Lille to draw @ 3.00 £0.41 @ 8.61 returns £3.54 Well I have gone on the stats offered by Christianu here: PSG: unbeaten in 6 Lyon: unbeaten in 19 Lille: unbeaten in 8+ Thats it for now, this will be coming out of bank A, and I will continue to play this bank until I get bank back up to 10 pys, or **** up and lose my money. We will soon see! Sco

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