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HU and I get shoved OTR.


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OK so two different hands for you guys to think about. I'm playing HU at £2.5/5 levels. I'm playing against someone who started out pretty aggressive vs me. He 3bet with AT, bet a Kxx flop and then shoved an x turn. I was only 40bbs deep and I called him with AT, was a chopped pot. Since then he's shown much less inclination to bluff me and has generally slowed down. I started off quite passively, not c-betting much but have become much more aggressive to take advantage of his weak play. I should also say he likes to call my bets with weak holdings. So I call his £15 raise pre with :7s: :7d: Flop (£30): :Qd: :2d: :2h: I donk into him £22 and he raises to £67, I call. Turn (£164): :Kd: He bets £94, I call. River (£352): :4c: He shoves in his stack, I have about £290 left. I? My reasoning for calling flop raise is that I believe if he had hit this flop he would just call my bet because it looks like I'm FOS especially when I've recently been donking out a lot against him. Turn is a good bluffing card for him because it makes the flush. He could have it but with the way he's played I really think he would just flat call a FD on the flop. My inclination initially OTR was to call because his range is very polarized. But at the same time I'm not sure anymore if he will be pulling a 3 barrel bluff on me. (Have decided I will post the other hand later)

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Re: HU and I get shoved OTR. well the 4 on the river is very much a nothing card it is exactly the sort off card you want to see come because if you were ahead on the turn then you are still ahead unless he has pocket 4's for me the turn would be the real scare card here and when he bets if you still think theres a good chance that you are ahead then this is your chance to find out where you stand with a reraise im only flat calling the turn here if i think im ahead and hes likely to bluff the river as you have called the turn i take it you thought that you were ahead and if this is the case then you have to make the call on the river i think the check raise on the turn would have got you more info here though

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Re: HU and I get shoved OTR. Raising the turn seems silly because I'm just turning my hand into a bluff, even though if he's betting for value here I don't think he'll fold. So I'd only be raising the turn for protection. I just expected him to give up OTR if he was bluffing.

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Re: HU and I get shoved OTR. I think the river is a decent spot for him to shove tbh - so if hes decently aggressive, i wouldnt c/c the turn thinking that he will give up on the river. Have you actually seen him flat the flop with a flush draw or is this just an assumption? I just dont think donking the flop is a good idea because I dont think he will think you would doing this with nut hands and he can just take this raise/bet/shove line and fold everything you have. Its also turned what could have been a small win into one big mind**** off a hand where you are trying to base a huge decision on no information. I think the river is probably a fold vs a range that includes flush draws and some nut hands from the flop and probably a few bluffs too.

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Re: HU and I get shoved OTR.

Raising the turn seems silly because I'm just turning my hand into a bluff, even though if he's betting for value here I don't think he'll fold. So I'd only be raising the turn for protection. I just expected him to give up OTR if he was bluffing.
first off playing heads up can be as much about your read on the player as it is about your hand strength so you should factor that in to whatever you do i dont have any of the previous here so in general.... the bet on the turn would give you a much better idea what hes holding letting you make a more informed decision. a check min raise by you on the turn here looks very strong imo and he is only gonna call/reraise you here with a premium hand or perhaps the ace high flush draw it might also slow him down if your looking to get to a showdown cheaply
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