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PuntersLounge Titan Poker Exclusive Added Value Series - Next Game 26th July


PuntersLounge Titan Poker Exclusive Added Value Series - Next Game 26th July  

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Re: PuntersLounge Titan Poker Exclusive Added Value Series - Next Game 26th July Ok, clearly we have an issue here... It was a decision myself and mods made to open it up more, because if we're not giving the sponsor new players, then of course there's not much in it for them. We can sweeten the deal for them in a few ways, but new players are what's wanted most of the time. However, if it's causing this much unrest, then perhaps we have to review the situation. W1nsome, You have previous on PL, so lose the attitude please or you'll be "Tonight Matthew I'm going to be Nicholas Cage"

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Re: PuntersLounge Titan Poker Exclusive Added Value Series - Next Game 26th July Hi Paul, Obviously everyone may have slightly different views on the "other" players, but we are all grateful to both PL & the platform for the added value. I personally don't mind seeing new faces join in these tournaments, like you say greater numbers and word of mouth would be good for both Titan & PL going forward. I just think that it's a little disappointing that the unknowns taking part are doing it in a purely selfish way and don't bother to even post a quick hello or welcome in the forum or chatbox. I'm still fairly new to this place myself, but like to feel that I've made an effort to get to know different members & always sign up to new rooms using PL links etc, and the old addage is totally true... the more you put in, the more you get out. This community has a cracking bunch of regs who have welcomed me with open arms, help each other in the forums and we have great banter every week. If only we could attract more like minded individuls it would be superb for everyone involved. Sorry, I don't have all the answers/solutions myself, but will continue to support this great place and it's members, mods, admins whenever & wherever I can. Keep up the great work & added value buddy :clap Bart

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