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PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Winners Announced


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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Starts 5th July Hi Ladies Im sorry the games are not up in the lobby yet, but I cannot access real money games from the USA. Gina, can you set the 1st two games up and ill do the rest when i return on the 6th? Its dead easy, just go to manage games, set one up for the above dates and 3.30 buy in:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Starts 5th July

Hi Ladies Im sorry the games are not up in the lobby yet, but I cannot access real money games from the USA. Gina, can you set the 1st two games up and ill do the rest when i return on the 6th? Its dead easy, just go to manage games, set one up for the above dates and 3.30 buy in:ok
It is not this easy as I get muddled up with time, I will try and set my account to british time, perhaps than I manage, gave me couple of grey hairs already I hope Michaela and Paul did gave you the promised slaps :lol Have a great time in Vegas, and well you know you have to win a lot, as we Ladies decided you buy us a house from your winnings :lol
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Starts 5th July Hey this is cool! I just joined up here at PL ~1mth ago, hoping to hook up with other poker players. I also must admit that I'm an online poker league addict, lol. My partner is also an avid player & browsing through the forum I came across this thread. I'll for sure be passing this info. along to her as I know she'd be thrilled to join up. She's played some diff. leagues in the past & isn't currently active in any these days so this'll be great! Sending her a link to the PL forum now.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Starts 5th July

My partner is also an avid player & browsing through the forum I came across this thread. I'll for sure be passing this info. along to her as I know she'd be thrilled to join up. She's played some diff. leagues in the past & isn't currently active in any these days so this'll be great! Sending her a link to the PL forum now.
She will be very welcome to join in, we're a friendly bunch of ladies. I believe there are a couple of others from Canada, though obvously the time difference isn't great for you. Ask her to post in here to introduce herself too. :ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Starts 5th July :welcome Breezy. If your application hasn't been accepted yet it's because starshine is having problems with her internet and morlspin is away in Vegas (the 2 Club Admins). Should have you in for next week. :ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Starts 5th July

:welcome Breezy. If your application hasn't been accepted yet it's because starshine is having problems with her internet and morlspin is away in Vegas (the 2 Club Admins). Should have you in for next week. :ok
Im back now :( But, I dont have the power to accept members, just gina :wall :welcome Breezy!
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 14th July Well done to Lil and Karen :clap. 2nd place tonight puts Karen up to the top of the league. :ok And :welcome to PL and the league Breezy (snoopsters68), great to have you here. You're welcome to join in any of the other series we have running. :D plstarsladies120711.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 14th July

Well done to Lil and Karen :clap. 2nd place tonight puts Karen up to the top of the league. :ok
Thanks was a great hu lasting around 50 minutes :loon could have gone either way - wish I could play thursdays too *sigh*
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 14th July

Thanks was a great hu lasting around 50 minutes :loon could have gone either way - wish I could play thursdays too *sigh*
sounds like i missed a good one sigh congrats to u both:drums
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Tues 26th July Well Deb was right to be worried about her league position tonight as a second win on the trot for Jo takes her clear at the top of the league. :clap Runner up honours to Helen H again (with Helen A making a much improved performance at last for 3rd ;)) Great banter tonight ladies. :ok:D plstarsladies210711.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Tues 26th July Was a specially enjoyable game last night as it was such a nice social chatty one, Well done to 'The Helens' it could have gone anyones way towards the end :cheers See you all next week, Jo

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 28th July Congrats to Helen-H who bags a win to go with her 2 second places. League title contender Debs takes 2nd place to keep her hopes very much alive. :clap New table posted up and it's very close at the top going into the final game of the month on Thursday. Debs looking to be favourite over Jo as she only has to beat a low score of 9 to improve whereas Jo's lowest score is 30. Also possible that Helen or DD could maybe nab it with a good result in the last game. plstarsladies260711.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 28th July Tonight's game was the end not only of this month's league, but also the 4-month overall league we've been running. I've posted the final league tables in the first post and here are the results. :ok Firstly, well done to tonight's winners, Dexterdeuce and Bad-Monkey. :clap plstarsladies280711.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us A 4th place for Debjani is enough to secure the league title, with scarletter the runner up. Both ladies gained 2 wins and a 2nd over the month, very well done. :clap The 4-month league is determined by the best average score from April to July. (Simply put, the total of the 4 scores divided by 4.) Some ladies joined late (or left early) and have scored 0 for the months they missed and obviously were at a handicap in the overall table. A big thank you to all who have taken part and especially all the ladies who made all 4 months. And our winner is scarletter and runner up is Harmony. Congratulations to Jo and Helen. :clap Well done to all individual and league winners - don't forget to contact morlspin to claim your prizes. :ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 28th July Big Congrats to Scarletter n her League win - ggs wp! :clap:clap:clap Also to Debs and Scarletter on their 1st and 2nds respectively in the July League. :clap:clap:clap Has been good fun to play the League and am very glad that the penultimate one was greatly enjoyed for the banter. A few of us have worked really hard to get it to be a sociable and chatty event also. I kno Scarletter and I and a few others have expressed interest in Gina's suggestion of a weekly game during the summer before the next league. For my part, Tues or Thursday are best nights. I shall have withdrawal symptoms otherwise... having attended all but one game since Gina started the Home Games, approx. a month before the League started. Do i get a Gold Star? ;) Once again Congrats to winners, runner-ups and to all for playing and the camaraderie in the games. Especially big thanks to Helen, graeme and Gina for all the hard work behind the scenes setting things u, keeping us all posted, etc. :clap:clap:clap

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League Month 4 of 4 - Next Game Thurs 28th July Hi Ladies, im going to PM you all this afternoon with an email address i'd like you to use to claim your prizes. Even if you have sent your details prior to this message, can you please send them again for me. Many thanks and well done winners! Graeme

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