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Deep stack mtt's and short stack mtt's


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I am looking for some advice on how to play these tournaments,what i find is that in a deep stack tournament,starting with say 5000 chips i generally do ok.However in a tournament with a starting stack of 2000 chips i just dont seem to be able to mount a challenge. The tournaments i am talking about have the same time structures regarding the blinds but there is no doubt playing with fewer chips means i am unable to get anywhere,what do you think is the correct strategy for playing the tourney with the smaller starting chip stack.

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Re: Deep stack mtt's and short stack mtt's Wow this is a very open question. The deeper tourneys will allow you to pick your opportunities more wisely and timely but in the shorter format you need to look to create a stack early on that allows you to dominate the shorter stacks and give you room to move again. But don't be scared to take risks. Try downloading a poker strategy guide to online tournaments

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Re: Deep stack mtt's and short stack mtt's At a guess, it sounds like you're not moving through the gears. It sounds like you're playing the solid game ok when you're deep stacked, but failing when it comes to the short stacked shove fest. I've no idea what your level of play is, so a couple of questions. Do you understand ICM? Do you know about Dan Harringtons "inflection points" and "M"? (see this thread - http://forum.punterslounge.com/f17/playing-mtt-when-short-stacked-26592/)

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Re: Deep stack mtt's and short stack mtt's Thanks guys for taking the time to reply i do appreciate it.Gaf i do understand ICM but to be honest i have never heard of Harrington's inflection points.I will need to read up on this. From what both of you say it looks like i will need to loosen up more in the short stack game and see how i get on.Thanks for the advice.

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Re: Deep stack mtt's and short stack mtt's I think table image and observing what your opposition does is important . If it means not playing 20 hands in a row just to see what they are doing , so be it . After all in a 10 handed table , missing 20 hands in a row is probably going to cost u 2 big blinds at the max and you'll get to see what you can do with each player depending on how frequent they do . Even after 20 hands you still don't get any read , you can try doing this for a start . Raise in 1st position with any 2 cards and see what your opposition react to your raise after you have not played for 20 hands . If they are still doing crazy things , you probably can hold on and wait around as blind structures are still small . And try again the exact same move later ! You'll be surprised that sometimes even a 95o raise in first position gets everyone to fold .

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