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STT Beginner

-James M-

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Hey guys, been playing poker for a few years but very casually and want to make it a bit more serious and start working on my game. Bankrolled myself $40 on pokerstars and playing in the $1.50 sng stt's. What sort of return on my money should i be looking for if i'm playing well? They are 9 man tournys paying the top 3 $6, $3.50 and $2.30. Im currently just hovering around my initial $40.

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Re: STT Beginner Anything above 10% ROI is very good IMO. The secret is to be patient and aim for 5% ROI. Over time this will soon add up and you will be moving up the levels. Try to make sure you are beating each level before you move up a level. To many players lose patience and thats how they lose a bankroll. Good luck and why not post in the challenge forum and let people know how you are getting on.

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Re: STT Beginner Recommend this article for bankroll management: http://www.pocketfives.com/articles/basic-bankroll-management-224586/ In summary, if you're prepared to gamble a little, then 20 buy ins (5%) is fine. Only thing to remember on top of that is that you MUST move down when your bankroll falls below this - it isn't just a question of moving up. So when you're on the border between two levels, expect to flit between different stakes as necessary. Eventually you'll find your level and be around where your skill level lets you break even - at that stage you either need to work out how to improve your game further or play at a lower level to make a profit. For education, I view the most important thing for STTs to be a good grasp of ICM (Independant Chip Model) if you dont already know that pretty well (at the stage where you know intuitively know pretty well what action to take when short stacked) then you should work on that. You can get software (with either free trials or limited functionality) that will give you scenarios and train you - you should keep repeating these exercises until you get most of them right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: STT Beginner Not a great night, fluctuated between $42 and £36 dollars. Taking a break and then playing a few more before bed. Have finished just outside the money nearly every time and need to tighten up stupid mistakes when im near the money! Should have won one but collapsed heads up and didnt take enough risks.

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Re: STT Beginner Good Luck in this James, Takes me back this as when i first started i only played sngs as at the time didnt know nothing about mtts then. I think i remembered i originally deposited about $80 and only played sngs between $2.50-$5, in fact 2000+ games :loon and my ROI was on ave around 25% so dont feel rushed to move up to soon, obviously when you have grinded and a bit of cash there is no harm in taking a shot at a $10 game. All the best in this as will follow with interest :ok

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Re: STT Beginner Cheers :ok I find my problem is because its at such a low level where the money doesnt mean much i make silly plays. Just trying to get consistent at making the right call at the right time and then will devote a lot more funds when im confident i can make a return on it.

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Re: STT Beginner have you read any articles on how to play stt strategy. id assume u know when ur nearing the bubble ur basically shove/fold. u cant be calling of 20/30% stack to a 3*raise hoping to hit with a qjo. just shove it in or fold.

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Re: STT Beginner Yeah i think its my STT strategy thats failing me as much as anything. While I havn't played brilliant poker I'm down $10 today which is 25% of my bankroll and havn't been in the money once! Having said that I have bust out twice against 1 opponent in the hand, both holding pockets, all in, me in later position and holding the higher pair each time and they hit a set on the flop both times :(

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Re: STT Beginner Finally some of my horrible luck turned around. My game has improved slightly but today i moved back up to $36 so nearly back even. Pleased as I was starting to worry as to why i was struggling at the lowest level :) Definately cut out some of the leaks and stupid calls on tilt etc which has helped reduce my losses and so when the luck hit I was still involved enough to get paid off well.

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