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Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa


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Re: Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa Dear xxx, I would like to congratulate you on qualifying for a package to our Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa Side Event at the Black Sea Hotel. Please note that the Side Event NLHE Betfair Live Odessa Freezeout Day 1B starts on the 30th July at 16:00 (local time). We have pre-registered you for this event. Upon arrival you will simply need to collect your seat ticket from the designated area prior to the event start. Please ensure you have your passport to hand when collecting your seat ticket. Should you need details regarding hotels located close to the Casino please visit the promotion page onsite by clicking here for our suggestions. You will also be able to view the full schedule of side events for the 7 day festival on the promotion page onsite. Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]. Kind Regards, Betfair Poker Team =========================== I'm going to Odessa :ok I've never been to Ukraine though... Is their English any good?

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Re: Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa

Don't worry Yi. They will speak English ;).
Good to hear Hen :D I imagined sitting next to 2 gorgeous Ukranian supermodels on the pokertable. Then they start talking to me in Ukranian and I can't understand them :( Then they go and win all my pokerchips and just when I get up to leave the table they whisper softly something in my ear. I have no idea of they are just saying "Well played" or "Do you want to have a drink with us later tonight" and I curse my fate and leave Odessa as a unlucky and sad man because I don't understand Ukranian... :cry Good to know that can't happen since they speak English :ok
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Re: Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa

For those that are interested... I arrived in Odessa yesterday. I'm registered to play todays Betfair live Odessa 3 day poker event starting at 16:00 CET. Everyone speaks Russian or Ukrainian here. I wonder how good their poker is? Guess I'll find out soon enough.
Best of Luck and + Variance Yi Hopefully take down a big score mate, :hope for ya!
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Re: Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa I was really nervous before the start, but as soon as I sat down and held my first cards I feld relaxed and sharp. We started with 20k chipstack and 45 min blinds. I started slow, checking out my other players. I soon found out Russians play really agressive, lots of 3 bets and 4 bets were flyinng across the table. At my table 2 players went out before the first break (first 3 levels) I didn't get involved with any big pots, and managed to make my stack a little bit bigger to 22,600 chips and then I got involved in my first big pot. The blinds were 75/150 and I was sitting at UTG + 1 with AA. I decided to raise to 350, I saw fast folds, but then the Cutoff was thinking for a while and then he reraised me to 850, the rest all folded and I did like I had to think for a few secs and reraised to 2850, that got reraised by him to 6000. He had around 25k chips in total. I couldn't be happier and we get it both in He showed KK vs my AA, and I was already seeing myself with an early double up in my first international pokergame, but then I see the flop and I see KQ8, my stomic turn around and the turn and river didn't help me. Right now I am sitting in my hotelroom still thinking it over... I made no mistakes, but I still lost... These are the moments when poker is just cruel. :puke

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Re: Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa Live pokers a cruel bitch sometimes! Its not like being at home when you get bust online and you can just fire up another tourney, it hurts and will do so for a while. Best advice I could give you is that you played well, you cant do anything about the hand you played, even if you flat called your getting it in on the flop and were beaten anyway, so keep at it, and you'll do well in the long run as we know you're a good player! Enjoy Odessa:ok

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Re: Betfair Poker LIVE! Odessa Ty guys, Today I played the tourist and made pictures. Odessa really is a nice place. I'll play a small $50 rebuy tomorrow here and then my time here is done. My next chance for a big live score wil be the Everest EPIC event in Spain next month that I qualified for. Hope I have better luck then :ok

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