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Own GeordieGaz - 3 Event Staking - SOLD OUT!


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  • Name: Gary Graham (GeordieGaz on PL)
  • Stake Requested: $99 (£62) - (3 x $33) 100 shares of $0.99 (£0.62)
  • Event/Tournament: 3 x $6,000 GP Freezeout on Ipoker @ 7pm
  • Offer: 70% payback - 1 share = 0.7% of returns
  • Date of Event/Tournament: June

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Gary Graham agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for intenational tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Hi Guys, Hoping to get staking for 3 of the $6k Guaranteed games on Ipoker starting at 7pm in return for 70% of my total winnings. Looking to start the event maybe tonight if enough interest or on Tuesday. Games likely to be played Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd & Saturday 25th but this is subject to change. Have been playing decent online lately and feel these events will suit my game. :ok Transfers only by bank transfer or paypal. Thanks for your support in advance. Gaz :ok Stakers ThePokerPad: 35% morlspin: 20% starshine: 25% teaulc: 20%

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Re: Own GeordieGaz - 3 Event Staking - SOLD OUT! sorry guys, just went out of the 1st one :( starting stack = 3k, i found myself down to 2400 after 35mins after i folded AJ on a A 10 4 board after I was check-raised, there was a caller and the check-raiser had A 10 for two pair so bit lucky to get away with only losing a couple of hundred there! few hands later and a 2200 stack i got moved to washy's table and found AK in early pos, I raised 3x BB (blinds 40/80) and was re-raised all in by mid position. I considered folding but decided to gamble due to the fact that I thought he could of easily had AQ/AJ and zero chance of AA or KK. He didn't have any of those hands, he had 10/10 and those held up - yet another race lost! :eyes I could have maybe waited a little longer for better spots and probably should have but really fancied the AK and went with my instinct, unfortunately it didn't work this time but we still have 2 games to go, the next one being tomorrow! :hope

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Re: Own GeordieGaz - 3 Event Staking - SOLD OUT! 196 started this tonight - I'm still in after being down to 800 chips and then doubling up with AA v QQ, however just folded this hand - really wanted to call but all I could think about was racing last night and losing..... as it happens I would of won this time! :eyes jackszt.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Theres 100 remaining and I'm short now - hopefully a double up soon :hope

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Re: Own GeordieGaz - 3 Event Staking - SOLD OUT! after the break started badly after a shortstack Washy pushed with KJ, i found QQ and went all in as did another player which I had covered. A K on the flop and the river gave washy a full house so I lost almost half my stack there. :sad A couple of great hands after that including 10J V 55 (J on flop) and AK v AQ which held up means I'm now up to 8k in chips (blinds 250/500). 49 players remaining, i'm 27th atm :hope

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Re: Own GeordieGaz - 3 Event Staking - SOLD OUT! sorry guys - quicky again tonight. lost half my stack mid way through the first hour when my AK was no match for 99 on a A 6 9 flop (lucky to only lose half my stack!) then ran my 66 into JJ when short stacked. Sorry again. :(

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