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Needs help 888 site


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Hi evryone have a small problem need your help... Last Sunday i played APAT games where i finish 2nd get my money and also win an entry to sunday challenge on 888. ($90) All was good i was reg for a game but I click unreg by accident so in the result: i was unregistred from tournament and when try to reg back a few moments after they take money from my account. Was writing an e-mails to them (888 and APAT team) but didnt get any answer aslo cant find a phone number to them. Does anyone of You know someone who i can contact or maybe You know a number where i can made a call? Thanks for you help!

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Re: Needs help 888 site This is the phone number - 0800 032 4228 You'll get no joy though, they'll say your entry is forfeited because you unregistered. And don't expect a reply from their customer service email support in time for Sunday - they're the single worst I have ever had the misfortune to need to use. Good luck though :hope lol

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Re: Needs help 888 site I dont know what they've been like more recently, but previously APAT customer support was excellent? Regardless of how bad 888 might be, I'd expect APAT would do what's necessary. Maybe worth a post on the APAT website if they havent replied to your email?

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Re: Needs help 888 site

I dont know what they've been like more recently' date=' but previously APAT customer support was excellent? Regardless of how bad 888 might be, I'd expect APAT would do what's necessary. Maybe worth a post on the APAT website if they havent replied to your email?[/quote'] Thanks but did that as 1st think...get answer: Marcin, I've been told you will need to contact 888 customer services and explain what has happened, and see if they will re-register you. Regards, Leigh
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Re: Needs help 888 site

This is the phone number - 0800 032 4228 You'll get no joy though, they'll say your entry is forfeited because you unregistered. And don't expect a reply from their customer service email support in time for Sunday - they're the single worst I have ever had the misfortune to need to use. Good luck though :hope lol
Many thanks for the number After few min of polish-english-pakistan speaking he finally told me that he will pass my reqest to promotion department but he also said that prob. they will not reg me back to that :wall:wall:wall
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