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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16 No bounties for me either. I did take one last week which I haven't been credited for though. Emailed them last Mon/Tue, will get a reply soon I am sure :) Will put me on 100pts anyway. Last night's field was smallest yet. I guess there being enough players in the final will be dependent on there being 100 different players over the 16 weeks. It doesn't like there's going to ever be any more than 30-40 in a particular week

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16 well thats it for me tonight with this, out early again with AA this time against 5/6 who turns a flush after a preflop,flop and turn raise :@ there is no skill in this league and all it will do is put me on tilt in other games and i aint depositing again ... gl all :ok

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16 latest leaderboard up now, Runadrum leading the way:

  • 1 Runadrum2 150
  • 2 Thisclose 100
  • 3 Fishatronmk1 90
  • 4 Razer6L 80
  • 5 Underdog4Ever 70
  • 6 Notgonnasay 60
  • 7 Bearcleezy 60
  • 8 Happyfluffy2 60
  • 9 Sharoj 60
  • 10 Killerbea 50

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16 Well done Duncan :clap (not that you showed any skill to win it :rollin :eyes) One day Lock might credit me the 10pts I am owed from August 7th :lol Although admittedly it is only a fortnight passed and 2 emails they've ignored :)

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16

Well done Duncan :clap (not that you showed any skill to win it :rollin :eyes) One day Lock might credit me the 10pts I am owed from August 7th :lol Although admittedly it is only a fortnight passed and 2 emails they've ignored :)
--------- Lock have more pressing issues to address than 10pts m8 Lock Poker’s José Macedo caught scamming HSNL players | Poker News this link probably explains your situation best samba-Lock is run out of Larson’s Vancouver condo
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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16 I know what's happened Jon - they've credited a KO to ooblio (tip2win) when it should have been credited to me. I did email them as soon as they put that particular table up, explaining as much. They just haven't bothered to reply. This is the majority of the email I sent (the text prior was thanking them for adding the 30pts win bonus of Week 1.

I haven't received my 10pts for knocking the player called 'eltel247' I've attached the hand history below - You will notice 'Main pot' winner tip2win began the hand with 258 chips, and the ultimately eliminated eltel247 began the hand with 1211 chips. Therefore it was my winning the 'Side pot' against eltel247 that knocked him out - tip2win couldn't knock him out having started the hand with less than a quarter of his chips. tip2win Posts SB 75.00 FFSYME Posts BB 150.00 thisclose Calls 150.00 FishatronMk1 Calls 150.00 nosejoka Folds eltel247 Calls 150.00 bozonebum Folds tip2win Calls 75.00 FFSYME Checks tip2win All In 108.00 FFSYME Calls 108.00 thisclose Calls 108.00 FishatronMk1 Raised to 408.00 eltel247 All In 1061.00 FFSYME Folds thisclose Folds FishatronMk1 Calls 653.00 eltel247 Shows tip2win Shows FishatronMk1 Shows eltel247 Out FishatronMk1 Won 1906.00 from Pot 2 with Two Pair Eights and Fives (this is the 'KO' pot!) tip2win Won 1290.00 from Pot 1 with Two Pair Nines and Eights
They've given ooblio the KO as he won the main pot, but it was the side pot that KO'd the player who went.
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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16 LOL - i think rejmak suffered a terrbile beat by me too when i called a 3 way all in with 44 for one to hit 2 pair the other to hit a str8 and me to catch a very lucky flush! Anyway, good news is i went on to take it down for PL! (plus i reckon maybe 10 bounties)!

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 21st August = LEG 4 of 16

LOL - i think rejmak suffered a terrbile beat by me too when i called a 3 way all in with 44 for one to hit 2 pair the other to hit a str8 and me to catch a very lucky flush! Anyway, good news is i went on to take it down for PL! (plus i reckon maybe 10 bounties)!
GG Andy the worst think is that i didnt take any heads today:(
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