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Why Didn't I Win This Hand?


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Hi guys, I am new to poker (just a week or so), but I am really confused. I have just played a tournament on Full Tilt, and this hand came out. I want to show you all the screenshot but I can't add attachements for some reason. Basically I was head to head with another player. He had Ace of hearts and King of clubs, and I had Ace of Clubs and Two of Diamonds. The Flop came Ace Diamonds, 2 Clubs, 10 Clubs. Then 6 Diamonds Turn, and 10 Hearts River. Now, I have 3 pairs, 2 aces, 2 twos, and 2 10's. This other player has only 2 pair. But I went all in with them and they said that the other person won!!! How can this be? How can 2 pairs be better than 3 pairs? I know I am new, but I am pretty certain that I have got this right. If I am wrong, please correct me. If I am right, how can this happen? Luckily it was a freeroll, but what would happen if this was for real money? I wish I could show you all the screenshot for clarity. Hope you can understand my post. Look forward to any help on this!

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Re: Why Didn't I Win This Hand? You were winning until the 10 on the river, with your 2 pair. Unfortunately when that paired on the board it's a bigger pair than your 2s so you both now have 2 pair, aces and 10's but he has the K to make up his 5 card hand, you are playing the 6 on the board as your final high card. If he had had A5 or less, you'd have shared the pot. :ok

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Hi bkkboy8888, I know you've had a couple of replies already, but it might help to visualise the hand, and remember the winning hand is the best 5 card hand made from 2 hole cards and the 5 in the middle :Ah::Kc: v :Ac::2d: hole cards :Ad: :2c: :Tc: :6d: :Th: board so your opponents best 5 card hand is; :Ah: :Ad: :Tc: :Th: :Kc: and your best 5 card hand is; :Ac: :Ad: :Tc: :Th: :6d: :ok

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