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Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP


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phil-ivey.jpgFor many years, I have been proud to call myself a poker player. This great sport has taken me to places I only imagined going and I have been blessed with much success. It is therefore with deep regret that I believe I am compelled to release the following statement. I am deeply disappointed and embarrassed that Full Tilt players have not been paid money they are owed. I am equally embarrassed that as a result many players cannot compete in tournaments and have suffered economic harm. I am not playing in the World Series of Poker as I do not believe it is fair that I compete when others cannot. I am doing everything I can to seek a solution to the problem as quickly as possible. My name and reputation have been dragged through the mud, through the inactivity and indecision of others and on behalf of all poker players I refuse to remain silent any longer. I have electronically filed a lawsuit against Tiltware related to the unsettled player accounts. As I am sure the public can imagine, this was not an easy decision for me. I wholeheartedly refuse to accept non-action as to repayment of players funds and I am angered that people who have supported me throughout my career have been treated so poorly. I sincerely hope this statement will ignite those capable of resolving the problems into immediate action and would like to clarify that until a solution is reached that cements the security of all players, both US and International, I will, as I have for the last six weeks, dedicate the entirety of my time and efforts to finding a solution for those who have been wronged by the painfully slow process of repayment.
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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP Hmmmm, is nice doing of him, personally I think it does not change a thing, most will probably even laugh about him, as the WSOP is not Full Tilt, but is good he does the statement, was about time, one of the bigger ones did

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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP

I refuse to remain silent any longer. I have electronically filed a lawsuit against Tiltware related to the unsettled player accounts. As I am sure the public can imagine' date=' this was not an easy decision for me.[/quote'] I think it´s a big move. I don´t see any other full tilt pro´s doing this. Respect for daring to challenge his long time sponsor in such a big way. I hope Full Tilt will get their act together soon :unsure
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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP

I think it´s a big move. I don´t see any other full tilt pro´s doing this. Respect for daring to challenge his long time sponsor in such a big way
Or angling for a move out so he can secure another deal. Ivey's a smart guy, not a Samaritan. P.S. TiltWare's response, which landed in my inbox this morning. Have to say it deserves at least one :eek “Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players’ pockets. In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited -- and has declined -- to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tiltware doubts Mr. Ivey’s frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.”
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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP Who honestly thinks Ivey missing the WSOP is helping get the money back into players accounts as far as I'm aware player funds are supposed to be held separate to all other revenue I know Pokerstars getting money to players so why Full Tilt stalling, unless they have done wrong. I have no idea of his intention he is the number 1 player not really any doubt about that fact from anyone in the world about for a few egotistical newbies. But I fear this case is just going the drag his name through the mud and stall player refunds further

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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP

Who honestly thinks Ivey missing the WSOP is helping get the money back into players accounts as far as I'm aware player funds are supposed to be held separate to all other revenue I know Pokerstars getting money to players so why Full Tilt stalling, unless they have done wrong. I have no idea of his intention he is the number 1 player not really any doubt about that fact from anyone in the world about for a few egotistical newbies. But I fear this case is just going the drag his name through the mud and stall player refunds further
that's the big issue....
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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP Full Tilt advertise in the UK - that means that they're approved by, and regulated by, the UK Gambling Commission? - is it not a condition of the Gambling Commision that players funds are segregated, or did I imagine that?

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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP Full Tilt are licensed in Alderney, which is a white listed territory by the UK government. Therefore they are allowed to advertise in the UK. This is what Alderney has to say about segregated funds. Is my deposit safe? AGCC requires its licensees to adhere to strict prudential ratios in order to ensure that assets exceed liabilities and cash exceeds player liabilities. AGCC also advises its licensees to inform players of the separate protection status of the player fund deposits in the casino, within three categories:

  • “Not segregated” – this means that the operator has not segregated player funds from the company’s own funds. Player funds are therefore at risk in the event of a business failure.
  • “Segregated” – this means that the player funds are held in one or more accounts separate from the business’s own funds and that the interest of the players in the account/s is noted in the title of the account. This may provide protection in the event of a business failure.
  • “Segregated and protected” – this means that the player funds have been segregated and the Commission has been given reasonable assurance that the segregation is likely to be effective in protecting the player funds in the event of a business failure.
  • The player is able to see the relevant status on each casino licensed in Alderney.

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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP Ivey just look's like a bloated Rat trying to leave a sinking ship, to me. Worse still, is that his statement makes him look as if he is trying not to look like any sort of Rat at all. Does anybody really believe that he cares about the vast majority of Full Tilt players? That must be why he played there then, because he cared about them so much. This looks very much like self preservation.

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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP The art of poker is to extract the maximum amount of money that they can. This is and always will be the case, pre Internet explosion, during Internet explosion and post Internet explosion. THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE. If anyone thinks anything else they are delusional. Pre interent: Old school players like to be seen as loveable rogues ( their art was taking your money and still make you laugh and feel good) when the maximum amount was extracted and their opponent couldn't borrow any more. The opponent was disguarded and used as an anecdote for the next funny story whilst ensuring that the new opponent would never be so gullible. During: Crap newer players tapped tanks, slagged players and constantly criticised the fish, whilst the good players worked out how to get sponsored as that was where the money was. Sometimes to get sponsored they had to play the bad guys others had to play the hero and be "role models". The most successful sponsored players were at extreme edges of the scale. Post Internet : see pre Internet Anyone think it coincidence Hellmuth and Duke got out of UB 1 week before it went tits up. Maximum extracted and knew when to fold ( even though they hung in there during all the scandals). Ivey couldn't be seen to leave FT he's the hero, he will go down with the ship like a good captain. However when the ship looked ****** the only way out was to be a people's champion claim the high ground and try and get as much as possible before the shipwreck. Even Brunson got out of Doylesroom "semi retiring" 24 hours before that site got indicted. This is why these guys are so good at poker, they adapt to each situation to gain as much as they can, and their loyalty remains where the money is. Here endeth dik's thought of the day :cigar

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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP

The art of poker is to extract the maximum amount of money that they can. This is and always will be the case, pre Internet explosion, during Internet explosion and post Internet explosion. THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE. If anyone thinks anything else they are delusional. Pre interent: Old school players like to be seen as loveable rogues ( their art was taking your money and still make you laugh and feel good) when the maximum amount was extracted and their opponent couldn't borrow any more. The opponent was disguarded and used as an anecdote for the next funny story whilst ensuring that the new opponent would never be so gullible. During: Crap newer players tapped tanks, slagged players and constantly criticised the fish, whilst the good players worked out how to get sponsored as that was where the money was. Sometimes to get sponsored they had to play the bad guys others had to play the hero and be "role models". The most successful sponsored players were at extreme edges of the scale. Post Internet : see pre Internet Anyone think it coincidence Hellmuth and Duke got out of UB 1 week before it went tits up. Maximum extracted and knew when to fold ( even though they hung in there during all the scandals). Ivey couldn't be seen to leave FT he's the hero, he will go down with the ship like a good captain. However when the ship looked ****** the only way out was to be a people's champion claim the high ground and try and get as much as possible before the shipwreck. Even Brunson got out of Doylesroom "semi retiring" 24 hours before that site got indicted. This is why these guys are so good at poker, they adapt to each situation to gain as much as they can, and their loyalty remains where the money is. Here endeth dik's thought of the day :cigar
Post of the year. :clap:notworthy
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Re: Phil Ivey To Boycott the WSOP

The art of poker is to extract the maximum amount of money that they can. This is and always will be the case, pre Internet explosion, during Internet explosion and post Internet explosion. THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE. If anyone thinks anything else they are delusional.
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