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if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game


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Re: if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game first time i played for real i was 99% sheer agression only trouble was i was raising and re-raising without any thought to what i had or the other players had - classic "seen this work on late night poker" style It actually worked quite well to a point - i started playing the ladders games on ladbrokes and with my first deposit i made it to the $100 game and got second for $300 i think it was - quickly decided that poker was easy and spent the next week or two spunking my winnings on the cash tables - i must have been tagged by everyone i played against and they must have been looking out for me whilst rubbing there greedy little hands

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Re: if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game it was quite funny, had my first full house there, played it risky, as I just saw that I have two pairs and could get a full house, and oversaw that there was a flush danger there, so I went all in against two others which had the flush and I hit Full House on river. Nowadays I am less bold and risky, and dont think this is always a good thing, could really risk some more sometimes. Oh and of course my very first full house was with *surprise surprise surprise* 10 5 of course

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Re: if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game That would have been a play money game on a site that I deleted a long time ago. So it really doesn't count for anything. The first real foray into online poker was with a group of live players where we all signed up for a private game. It can't have been that bad because I won it, and that was how it all began.

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Re: if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game :welcome to PL king. Can't remeber that far, but... After my first steps (on bet365), I won 10k GTD after 3 months. I would love to see whole hands history for that MTT. Just would like to check, how I luckboxed that one.

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Re: if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game

what would you see?
I'd see a total idiot who sat down with £10, typed in 30 to raise the 10p blind, and was all-in 1st hand, didn't realise you had to put .30 First £10 lasted about 1 minute 20 seconds. :lol :lol :lol
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Re: if you could watch a re-run of your 1st ever online poker game My first game of Omaha...got dealt 3333 and I thought it was Christmas! Was absolutely fuming when I lost to someones two pair!!! {incidental current ''live'' play...3 left in STT and AK vs AK allins...I hit Ace Flush!...what a Jammy Dodger I am!} Anyway...how have things changed? Well, now I know all the rules like...at least now I know why I keep losing my bloody money. :ok

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