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Morlspins 1:1 Live Tourney Stake Request - SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Graeme Morl (morlspin on PL)
  • Stake Requested: £295 @ 100 shares of £2.95
  • Event/Tournament: 3 Live Events
  • Offer: 1:1 100% payback
  • Live Offer: 1:1 payback of any future events qualified from these
  • Dates of Event/Tournament: 23rd April, 7th May, 21st May

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Graeme Morlagree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Hi Guys Heres a 1:1 offer for you for the following events, which ill be playing anyway after already qualifying or buying into them 23/24 April = APAT Newcastle (ukipt seat added for winner) = £75 buy in 7 May = Sky Poker Tour Leeds (Sky grand final seat added top 3) = £110 21 May = PokerPlayer Gala Tour Edinburgh (Grand final seats added) = £110 So, £295 stake = 100 shares of £2.95 Thanks and ill send a pm with details of how to pay (paypal, bank transfer preferred) Shares Bought Morlspin = 50 @ £147.50 - Reveived Ooblio = 20 @ £59 - Received Nade = 10 @ £29.50 - Received Lars = 10 @ 29.50 - Received Dave488 = 10 @ 29.50 Received

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Re: Morlspins 1:1 Live Tourney Stake Request - 70% sold Out im afraid and gutted to say. 2 hands did the damage. Blinds 100/200 KK utg+1 with 12900 in chips sb 100 bb 200 utg fold me raise to 575 dave488 fold next fold next calls 575 next reraises to 1700 next fold button fold sb fold bb fold I hit the tank as to wether i should call or re-raise again but with 1 to act i decide to minimise risk and take the money there n then, so i push all in. 1st caller folds and original re-raiser decides he has to call for all his stack (8k) He has AK spades flop 6s6c8c turn 5s River Ace hearts gutted!

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Re: Morlspins 1:1 Live Tourney Stake Request - 70% sold final hand was even more of a gutter blinds 300/600 with 75 ante and ive got back to 8.5k Im utg and get AQspades so raise to 2100 villain re-raises all in and i call (his range has been pretty big) He shows AQ diams flop Qh 7s 8d turn 10d river Jd 3 card flushed and gone. sorry all, i dont think i put a foot wrong the whole tourney and got shafted basically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Morlspins 1:1 Live Tourney Stake Request - 70% sold Hi Guys I played the Sky Poker Tours Leeds Event on Saturday gone and was yet again sat next to Dave488 along with what he described as possibly the hardest table we could have sat on, with 3 sky pro's and their highest cash rakers :loon With 5000 chips its one of the events where 1 lost hand or 1 mistake can hurt you big style and that was the case this time. Im on the BB with JJ with around 4800 in chips and the button (mega stacked) raises up to 500 (blinds 100/200) i reraise to 1300 and he makes the call, the flop comes down King 8 2 and i dont have a lot of room to play so decide to check, he puts in a small bet of just 800 but i decide to fold as its too low, and well suspicious, he later tells me he had AK suited, although im unsure, the confidence he showed looked like he had better imo. That left me with just 3500 and a few circuits later im down to 3050 when i pick up As9s in mid position. I flat the 200 bb and hope to see a favourable flop, theres 4 in the pot so 800 in the middle. The flop brings what i was looking for in the way of 2s 4s 5c, the sb bets 1000, more than pot and the BB calls, with 2800 in the pot, ive got 2950 behind me so shove to try and take it there and then, my thinking was that they may have an ace or a straight draw and even if they had better, i had outs to hit. The 4th player folds, the sb calls my all in and the big blind folds. me = As9s for the gutshot straight draw and the nut flush draw. him = 6c3s for the nut straight:wall turn brings a 6 which again brings my straight draw back into play and the river is a brick, im gone. Exit was in around 100th place so apologies again Dave went onto finish 6th for £750:ok

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