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Just unlucky I guess


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Not played in a tourny for a while so entered $3 one last night on stars, was sitting quite comfortable after more than 3 hours of play, avg chip stack was 80k, had about 120k. Got dealt 66, blinds were $4000 at this point, and I raised b4 flop $8000, all folded apart from one player who called - flop came 5 6 7, my thinking is he cant have a straight, cause here we are deep in tourny and I raised too, so I bet again $8000 hoping for some action with my trips or a fold, he called. turn card was k, 5 6 7 k, good card for me or so I thought, and in fact it was, he went all in, he had $140k or so, I couldnt think what he could be on, nor did I think he had a straight. So I called, he had 4 7, was very happy to see this, but not when the 8 came next :wall Why I hate poker :lol

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Re: Just unlucky I guess

lol . wtf was he doing with 47 omg .
if hes got 47 in the big blind and there is already 14k in the pot (possible 18k if there is a running ante and its a full table) then he is getting great odds to make the call imo 4k to win 14k - its a call for me
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Re: Just unlucky I guess

if hes got 47 in the big blind and there is already 14k in the pot (possible 18k if there is a running ante and its a full table) then he is getting great odds to make the call imo 4k to win 14k - its a call for me
+1 I hate min raises!! raise to 10-12k and he's out of there.... and we wouldn't be having this discussion. :ok
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Re: Just unlucky I guess

if hes got 47 in the big blind and there is already 14k in the pot (possible 18k if there is a running ante and its a full table) then he is getting great odds to make the call imo 4k to win 14k - its a call for me
Or 4k to lose 120k;) Small raises are all the fashion these days so its really player dependent.
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Re: Just unlucky I guess

Or 4k to lose 120k;) Small raises are all the fashion these days so its really player dependent.
think you are missing the point mate - i meant the price to see the flop is only 4k - im no fan of the guys play after the flop comes down but my point is that if you are looking to see the flop with 74 you know you are well behind nearly everything but you are getting at least 7/2 and theres a few hands you could spike here that would make it value to call. Also if you dont hit hard its an easy fold and you have lost 4k of your 120k stack.
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