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Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread


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did i play this badly? :unsure i admit i got lucky on the river but the way he put out a small bet on the turn made me think he was trying to take what little there was in the pot. ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 88260318 ***** $0.25/$0.50 Blinds Pot Limit Omaha - *** 29 03 2011 16:24:29 Table Lahore (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of players : 4 Seat 2: lathukorala ( $29.18 ) Seat 4: joerg13 ( $12.68 ) Seat 7: watthefuk222 ( $40.19 ) Seat 9: D00mtrain ( $41.88 ) lathukorala posts small blind [$0.25] joerg13 posts big blind [$0.50] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to D00mtrain [ Td, Th, 4s, Kh ] watthefuk222 raises [$1.75] D00mtrain calls [$1.75] lathukorala folds joerg13 folds ** Dealing flop ** [ 7s, 3c, 9d ] watthefuk222 checks D00mtrain checks ** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ] watthefuk222 bets [$2.12] D00mtrain calls [$2.12] ** Dealing river ** [ Ts ] watthefuk222 checks D00mtrain bets [$8.49] watthefuk222 calls [$8.49] ** Summary ** D00mtrain shows [ Td, Th, 4s, Kh ] watthefuk222 mucks [ Ks, Kc, 2s, 8h ] D00mtrain collected [ $24.20 ]

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Re: Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread and should i have folded this post flop instead of re-raising? ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 88262239 ***** $0.25/$0.50 Blinds Pot Limit Omaha - *** 29 03 2011 16:37:56 Table Lahore (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of players : 4 Seat 1: wink42 ( $50.67 ) Seat 6: Mobuko ( $69.42 ) Seat 7: cyanid800 ( $29 ) Seat 9: D00mtrain ( $50.05 ) cyanid800 posts small blind [$0.25] D00mtrain posts big blind [$0.50] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to D00mtrain [ Jh, 5h, Js, 3c ] wink42 calls [$0.50] Mobuko calls [$0.50] cyanid800 calls [$0.25] D00mtrain checks ** Dealing flop ** [ 4c, 7s, 6c ] cyanid800 bets [$1.50] D00mtrain raises [$6.50] wink42 folds Mobuko folds cyanid800 raises [$20] D00mtrain raises [$30] cyanid800 calls [$7] ** Dealing turn ** [ 8s ] ** Dealing river ** [ Jc ] ** Summary ** cyanid800 shows [ Qh, Ac, Qs, 8c ] D00mtrain shows [ Jh, 5h, Js, 3c ] cyanid800 collected [ $56.50 ]

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Re: Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread Hand1: Fold preflop, bet/fold flop maybe. Should have folded or bet before the river somewhere ;) Hand 2: Flop just call for pot control. Fold after if lots of action behind you (here they folded though) and you have no redraws really. Turn bet if checked too or check for pot control / call if bet into or raise depending on player etc.

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Re: Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread A good Omaha hand is one where you have 4cards that either work together well or 2 of each that work which is why i'd fold hand 1 pre-flop. Hand 2 is a math situation whether you weight their range to more draws or more sets/straights. In any which case with the baby straight you're so unlikely to get it in with great equity on a 2tone flop. I just ran a calculation and even vs a set and nut flush draw your straight is ahead.

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Re: Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread was i right to call? it was $1.68 to call into a pot of just over $3, i am always wary of flush draws on river but often or not when i fold i would have won ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 178814177 ***** $0.12/$0.25 Blinds Pot Limit Omaha - *** 02 04 2011 18:54:10 Table Fort Smith (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 5 Seat 2: Pera_Pukama ( $29.27 ) Seat 4: thompa6367 ( $14.78 ) Seat 6: lulo60 ( $41.56 ) Seat 7: D00mtrain ( $56.39 ) Seat 9: DoubleFlush ( $20.82 ) lulo60 posts small blind [$0.12] D00mtrain posts big blind [$0.25] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to D00mtrain [ Kd, 2s, Ah, Ts ] DoubleFlush folds Pera_Pukama folds thompa6367 calls [$0.25] lulo60 calls [$0.13] D00mtrain checks ** Dealing flop ** [ 2d, 8c, 4d ] lulo60 checks D00mtrain checks thompa6367 checks ** Dealing turn ** [ 2c ] lulo60 checks D00mtrain bets [$0.75] thompa6367 calls [$0.75] lulo60 folds ** Dealing river ** [ Jc ] D00mtrain checks thompa6367 bets [$1.68] D00mtrain calls [$1.68] ** Summary ** thompa6367 shows [ Kc, 5c, 3d, 5h ] D00mtrain mucks [ Kd, 2s, Ah, Ts ] thompa6367 collected [ $5.33 ]

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Re: Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread At that level I'd fold as not many people would float the paired turn to bluff the river. Obv by your opponent's starting hand selection and limping and overall play up to the river he's loose passive and I guess he's got at least a flush or fh 99% of the time to bet the river. Don't know if you had stats or had deduced that from previous history.

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Re: Teaulc`s Omaha Cash Thread

Hand1: Fold preflop, bet/fold flop maybe. Should have folded or bet before the river somewhere ;) Hand 2: Flop just call for pot control. Fold after if lots of action behind you (here they folded though) and you have no redraws really. Turn bet if checked too or check for pot control / call if bet into or raise depending on player etc.
:ok hand 2 is the sort of Omaha hand were you can find yourself drawing dead with all your stack in the middle or at best just getting your half of the pot back. its not a good idea to re raise flops like this even if you think your ahead, just see what the action brings on the turn and keep the pot small , i would still be wary even its a blank but i would assume if he or anyone's ahead or freerolling they will pot the turn. It works both ways, hit the nut straight on the flop with a flush draw and be very aggressive.you could be well ahead with the flush draw to freeroll if he has the straight. you want to get it all in if poss ,your still fav if they have hit trips. hit the 2nd nut straight with no flush draw.be wary and keep .it small. IMO its an easy fold if it gets too aggressive on the flop.
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