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PKR LIVE Thursday 19 May - Sunday 22 May


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Join us for the most exciting live event of 2011! The sixth instalment of PKR Live is back this May! Once again handily located at the offline home of PKR at the Fox Club in the heart of London’s West End, PKR Live VI will be a single $1,220 (£750) buy-in Main Event that will run over the weekend of Thursday, 19 May – Sunday 22, May. Unlike with previous PKR Lives, this time we have flung open the doors to all comers meaning the prizepool is estimated to reach $300,000 with a healthy five-figure payout in store for the top finishers - making PKR Live VI the stand alone dominant event in the capital for May. There are a number of ways you can book your place at the event including buying-in directly or trying your hand at a range of accessible daily satellites starting from under $3. Blinds: 1 hour Starting Stack: 20,000 PKR Live VI Schedule Thursday, 19 May PKR Live VI Day 1A Friday, 20 May PKR Live VI Day 1B Saturday, 21 May PKR Live VI Day 2 Sunday, 22 May PKR Live VI final table Ways in We have two great ways that you can win your seat at PKR Live VI. You can choose to take the seat only route that you can buy-in directly to for $1,220 or satellite into from $6.60. Alternatively there is also the package route which gives you the chance to win a seat plus $610 towards expenses. Satellites for this start from just $2.10. pkr_live_6_sat_diag_v6_EN.jpg Terms & Conditions

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