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Four to the nut flush


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What do you guys think is the correct strategy when you flop four to an ace high flush.In a cash game i usually go all-in with this hand and take my chances. My mate reckons over a period of time this is a losing play and i would like to hear your thoughts on this.

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Re: Four to the nut flush Pot size comes into it and so the fact that sometimes your opponent will fold a better hand when you shove all in fearing he is drawing dead. That said my approach is very read depend but faced with a all in bet a generally give up on the hand unless getting 2 to 1 post flop

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Re: Four to the nut flush

What do you guys think is the correct strategy when you flop four to an ace high flush.In a cash game i usually go all-in with this hand and take my chances. My mate reckons over a period of time this is a losing play and i would like to hear your thoughts on this.
It's about a coin flip if you're vs 1 pair plus some fold equity plus they can be getting in with lower draws plus if you have some back-door straight equity it all adds up to never being too bad to get it in on the flop unless you're up against a nit in which case they only get it in with 2pair plus where you're about 35% at best. All opponent dependant as usual.
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