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GUKPT Summer series Stake Request 12% Left

Burnley Joe

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  • Name: BurnleyJoe on PL

  • Stake Requested: £880 - 100 shares of £8.80
  • Event/Tournament: GUKPT Summer Series - Plymouth
  • Offer: 100% payback - 1 share = 1% of returns
  • Date of Event/Tournament: June

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Joe Geraghtyagree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for intenational tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. As some of you will know I won the Febs Punter's Lounge GUKPT League, for a £1070 GUKP Main Event seat. I will be playing June 9th - SS23 - £200+20 NL Holdem Double Chance Freezeout June 11th - SS26 - £500+50 Summer Series Main Event June 14th - SS28 - £100+10 NL Holdem Bounty £880 in total I am taking 60%, so there is 40% available £8.80 = 1% 0r £8.80 = $14.27

Live rates at 2011.03.18 18:55:00 UTC
8.80 GBP=14.2763 USDUSDGBP.png
United Kingdom Pounds United States Dollars
1 GBP = 1.62231 USD1 USD = 0.616405 GBP
Prefer Stars tranny but am easy BurnleyJoe (plymouth) me 60% Ooblio 10% PGremlin 2% Hen 4% Starshine 2% Al 2.5% Dad 2.5% Belgareth 5%
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Re: GUKPT Summer series Stake Request

Upon acceptance of my stake request' date= I Peter Norton agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments.
No I don't ;)
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  • 2 months later...

Re: GUKPT Summer series Stake Request 12% Left Did not cash Although won a free entry for highest hand on sunday so will inclue this, will log in to a PC to do a full write up Congratulations on winning a seat in the GUKPT Champion of Champions tournament held online at G Casino Poker and Blue Square Poker! The tournament will begin on Wednesday 13rd July at 7pm and carries a £15,000 prize pool which is split as follows: 1.£5,100 2.£3,750 3.£2,550 4.£1,500 5 £1,200 6 £900 The ‘GUKPT C of C Summer’ tournament can be found within the ‘tournaments’ section of the lobby, in a tab named ‘Champion of Champions’. As with previous Champion of Champions, starting stacks vary dependant on how entry into the event was won. Here is a breakdown of the entries and the chip stacks: High Hand Winners = 4000 starting stack 1st out of Main Event = 4000 starting stack £100 - £249 Buy In Event Winner = 5000 starting stack £250 - £500 Buy In Event Winner = 6000 starting stack Main Event Winner = 10000 starting stack The tournament will run on a 15 minute clock and the levels can be found on the tournament lobby. You need to have a real money account with either bluesquare or gcasino and then provide me with your nickname on the site – this is essential to register you for the tournament. We will be pre-registering players closer to the time of the event, so don’t be alarmed that it won’t let you register yourself! Please double check you can log in to your account prior to the start of the event so that we can resolve any issues without affecting your tournament. . Best of luck!

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Re: GUKPT Summer series Stake Request 12% Left Event 1 £200+20 Double Stack Only about 25 runners but the Game starts well and after the 4th hand i have JQ off in BB. Mid player raises x 3 , i call and flop comes A K 10, happy days. Player bets pot roughly about 600. I reraise to 1200 he calls. He bets 2000 i shove he has A 7 lol Anyway played pretty welland eventually make final table and have about 18 bbs which is about average and im about 4th. Mid position i get 99 and raise 2.5 bbs, just the BB calls. Flop comes 875, we both bet turn 7, river 6, i get it allin and he shows 55, i finish 8th i think. Main Event Again staeady start by knocking 1st player out with KK v J10 on a 10 high flop (he rebuys backin). Pretty steady day andagain down to about 13 players and it pays 4 or 5. I have 88 in mid so standard x 3 raise, flop 989, both bet turn is the Ace, he bets pot i shove he callsand shows 9 3 happy days, river 3. End of Story enough said 3rd Event 100 bounty, Slow start and players going every 10 minutes,down to 11 players and just before 2nd break i have AQ in SB, everyone folds, i shove 11bbs, BB calls with Kc8c flop AcQh5c. turn 3c river 7c Really enjoyed the events but low numbers probably spoilt it and should have picked side events at other venues. But thanks for your support The hand where i won the Champions seat was on the Sunday.Mid position with 66, i raise, BB calls, flop J26, i check, he bets, i flat. turn Picture, cant remember which, but not scared and then the river a J, i put him on a flush or 3 Jacks, anyway he has three jacks and i win with the best full house of the day! So one event to go

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  • 4 weeks later...

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