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looking for somebody to play game


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Hello all I am registered for a juicy tournament tomorrow but can't play due to family commitments -- I am looking for a player to play this for me for a cut -- The game is a loyalty freeroll with the top 30 players recieving $500 each -- the game originally ran on Wednesday night with only 100 players but Betfairs server went down and it was re-arranged for tomorrow night. The game is called "$15,000 GSOP Reunion Freeroll" on Betfair -- only 64 players regged ATM and this is invite only so will not be much more (about 100) and 8 min levels so wont take to long. I am looking for a player with decent amount of posts on PL poker forum -- hopefully a regular/pl league player --- It is a great value game and I will paypal £100 to person who plays and places in top 30 .. no worries if don't place because It would only go to waste anyhow..... If you fancy it please email me at -- tingull@hotmail dot com and if I get a player I will post a reply on this thread my Betfair username is:- surrender and I will geve temp password for access cheers

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