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Slapdash's Circus SnG Challenge: Set 6 - COMPLETED - ROI +62.5%


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Re: Slapdash's Circus SnG Challenge: Set 6 - COMPLETED - GIVEN UP eh? why you giving up on the set J? You've guaranteed a 40%+ ROI and its another one towards your completed sets total. Also...the more completed sets we get, it helps PL with the sponsors, ill ship ya a dollar and stake you the last game if you like:ok

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Re: Slapdash's Circus SnG Challenge: Set 6 - COMPLETED - GIVEN UP Well, I can't beat my previous score (unless I enter a 100-player and win it), and so if I get a return in my next game then I'd rather it went towards the next set. And I'm definitely not in the running for "most completed sets". But just for you ... I'll finish the set. :ok

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