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Sky Poker Tour Luton RIVRD on TV now


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Re: Sky Poker Tour Luton RIVRD on TV now Thanks All, and to all those that railed online :ok Thoroughly enjoyed the day, started off with being seated on what they was calling the table of doom, as it turned out that it had James Hartigan(sky presenter) to his left Julian Thew and to his left "Glitterbabe" one of the skys pro player, so trying to steal some blinds from these guys wasn't going to be easy. With only a 5k starting stack it was always going to get busy after a couple of levels, i tested the waters early on with some cut off, button raises, but had to fold a couple of times with a player who kept calling any raise then led out and overbet the pot every time. Raised J-Hartigan with AJ from the button who swiftly re-raised me and i layed it down and showed, he also showed his AK so was pleased with that. Had an interesting pot just before the first break of the day when the button raised my BB i looked down to find J9s and called the small raise, flop comes 8 J 3, i checked and he c-bets and i call, the turn is a 9 making me 2 pair, i check to him again and he bets about 800 this time, i re-raise him to 1750 now knowing that he has a J with decent kicker as he calls my reraise, turn is a blank and i now lead out with a 2k bet he thinks then shoves all in, i snap called him and he shows JQoff and i double up to just over 10k. About the 5th level in i had an interesting hand with Julian Thew, i raised from mid position with AJs and Julian calls on the button, flop is 4 8 K i c-bet the flop and get flat called, turn is a J giving me a pair, i decide to check and Thew checks behind, the river is another K now i'm thinking that he hasn't got another K as he probably would of bet the turn, so i threw out a value bet of 3.5k he tanks for a while and calls, i show my hand and he swiftly mucks. This moved me up to about 14k. Julian was running like god for a while taking out a couple of players on coin flips winning every time from behind, i pick up KK and raise and he calls once again, it comes a Q high flop i lead out once again and get called turn was a blank and i bet again and he folds his hand showing me a Queen. I had managed to get myself upto about 20k when i managed to get a double in the later levels to 40k (i cant remember that hand but will post later if it comes to mind) It then came to that crunch hand when there was about 24 players left which played itself really. UTG raises all in for 18k, everyone folds i look down and see QQ and move all in to isolate the pot when the bb moves in as well. As post UTG had AQ v QQ and the bbs KK :pukethis crippled me and left me with only 9k and still 24 to go :( a few hands later i shove with A10 and managed to pick up the blinds, then i was in the bb, everyone folds and the sb raises me, i looked down and see AA :D i reraise him 3k more he flat calls, i then ship my chips on the flop about 4k and he folds :loon, very next hand i pick up AK and steal the BB chips and im up to 19k. I sat quiet for a couple of rounds and once again im in the BB, mid pos player ships his 33k all in i look down and see 99 and call, flop is j 9 3 j 6 giving me the fullhouse and he shows his monster A4 of :eek that player duly gets taken out a few hands later and i was in the money :nana. My final hand played out itself, the player to my left and already shipped 33k in and everyone folded, he also does this the very next hand on my bb i look down and see 99, i tanked for a while i was finally putting him on either a small to mid pair 77,88 or AK has he probably wouldn't ship all in with AA,KK,QQ, i duly called as i needed to double up and go for the win and the player just had me slightly covered. He duly turns over AK, and the flop comes 3 5 7 3 and of course the A hits the river :puke and im out. I could't fault my play all day and am pleased with the result, not bad for a £4 satellite :ok

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