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Cheltenham Festival (Car parking & Breakfast).

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Hello Punters. I would just like to to inform you guys on a great deal Cheltenham Town FC are offering next week on the race days. For a great deal of £6.95 you can park your car and have a full English breakfast at our club house, the world famous racecourse is around 15 mins walk away from Whaddon Road. This offer applies to coaches too. More additional information : The club bar will be open for breakfast and drinks on the morning of all race days of the Cheltenham Festival. For £6-95 you can have free parking with just a 15 minute walk to the course plus a hearty English breakfast consisting of Bacon, Egg, Sausage, Fried Slice, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Black Pudding, Hash Browns, and Baked Beans. Dam good value, and of course the bar will be open on your return to the car. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=whaddon+Road+cheltenham&aq=&sll=51.479726,-0.292382&sspn=0.019457,0.038238&ie=UTF8&hq=Whaddon+Rd&hnear=Whaddon+Rd,+Cheltenham+GL52+5NA,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.905413,-2.062082&spn=0.037015,0.076475&t=h&z=14&layer=c&cbll=51.905366,-2.061733&panoid=lRAlJtFgmAKq8yNcr6xRrg&cbp=12,351.1,,0,10.64 Thank you and have a great weekend.

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