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Teaulc`s stake request - PokerStars Sunday Million Special 1:1 6th March / SOLD OUT


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Re: Teaulc`s stake request - PokerStars Sunday Million Special 1:1 6th March / SOLD O just waiting for GeordieGaz to stump up but have registered anyway :ok if i havent heard from him before the game starts then i will buy those shares unless anyone else wants anymore

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Re: Teaulc`s stake request - PokerStars Sunday Million Special 1:1 6th March / SOLD O

Done, but if Gaz still wants, up to game starting, then just ship it back :ok And the very best of luck sir :hope
no problem mate and thanks :ok
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Re: Teaulc`s stake request - PokerStars Sunday Million Special 1:1 6th March / SOLD O

Done, but if Gaz still wants, up to game starting, then just ship it back :ok And the very best of luck sir :hope
as is sods law, just got the funds from Gaz and he still wants in, so funds being sent back to you Mark,many thanks though :ok
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Re: Teaulc`s stake request - PokerStars Sunday Million Special 1:1 6th March / SOLD O

as is sods law' date=' just got the funds from Gaz and he still wants in, so funds being sent back to you Mark,many thanks though :ok[/quote'] No problem GL :ok
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Re: Teaulc`s stake request - PokerStars Sunday Million Special 1:1 6th March / SOLD O PokerStars Game #58773428361: Tournament #409020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (50/100) - 2011/03/06 21:52:34 WET [2011/03/06 16:52:34 ET] Table '409020010 2984' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: JAKESEN (12175 in chips) Seat 2: thommyne (9925 in chips) Seat 3: ROQWETAS (15785 in chips) Seat 4: 2GoHogsGo2 (10450 in chips) Seat 5: Keizer_Ste (9760 in chips) Seat 6: SVAROG_VS (11125 in chips) Seat 7: royeapoker (10450 in chips) Seat 8: teaulc (8775 in chips) Seat 9: Parozone (10580 in chips) teaulc: posts small blind 50 Parozone: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ad Kc] teaulc said, "i get you" JAKESEN: folds thommyne: folds ROQWETAS: raises 200 to 300 teaulc said, "gonna be a long day tomorrow" 2GoHogsGo2: folds Keizer_Ste: folds SVAROG_VS: folds royeapoker: calls 300 teaulc: raises 300 to 600 Parozone: folds ROQWETAS: calls 300 royeapoker: calls 300 *** FLOP *** [5d Ac 7h] teaulc: bets 400 ROQWETAS: calls 400 teaulc said, "sweet" royeapoker: raises 1200 to 1600 teaulc: raises 6575 to 8175 and is all-in ROQWETAS: folds royeapoker: calls 6575 *** TURN *** [5d Ac 7h] [7d] *** RIVER *** [5d Ac 7h 7d] [9s] *** SHOW DOWN *** teaulc: shows [Ad Kc] (two pair, Aces and Sevens) royeapoker: shows [5s 5c] (a full house, Fives full of Sevens) royeapoker collected 18650 from pot teaulc finished the tournament in 48547th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 18650 | Rake 0 Board [5d Ac 7h 7d 9s] Seat 1: JAKESEN folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: thommyne folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: ROQWETAS folded on the Flop Seat 4: 2GoHogsGo2 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Keizer_Ste folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: SVAROG_VS folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: royeapoker (button) showed [5s 5c] and won (18650) with a full house, Fives full of Sevens Seat 8: teaulc (small blind) showed [Ad Kc] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sevens Seat 9: Parozone (big blind) folded before Flop

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