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Implied odds


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Hey Guys, Im a complete newbie to the site so please try and take it easy on me :ok. Basically i have been playing poker online for around a year now and have pretty much broke even overall. During my time of playing online i have built up a good understanding of how to play poker succesfully and have noticed vast improvements in my game. However since starting to play i have never used implied odds which i understand is a huge part of being a succesfull player, this is largely due to me not being great at maths. My question to you guys is is it possible for me to become a good poker player if im not a brilliant mathmatician and what is the easiest way for me to learn how implied odds work in poker. Many thanks Gloves1987 ;)

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Re: Implied odds Implied odds can't be worked out precisely as there's never a guarantee you're opponent will stack off even if you hit. What people do is work out the pot odds of a call first of all. Then they add on implied odds which can't be defined as a number it's just called 'implied odds' like 'continuation bet' it's just a saying but has no absolute mathematical formula. What it basically is is calling with a hand you think is losing but expect if you hit your gin card to get paid off. I don't think knowing implied odds is essential to being a successful player as you must first work on hand reading your opponents well - then in turn you'll be able to work out when you've got the best implied odds.

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