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Ginas' staking request on Boyles, sold out


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Re: Ginas' staking request on Boyles, sold out forgot to say, 10 places paid second hour was a bit heartattacking for me, internet connection went down the moment i was in a hand with 2000 chips about, :(, not had many hands to play, the rest went okish, at the moment 6 out of 44 left with 15523 chips, blinds after break will be 125/250 ante 25 and I deeply hope my internet stays now, specially when in a hand

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Re: Ginas' staking request on Boyles, sold out As I said as a goodie bag Gremlin will get 10% of the netto winnings in the three leagues I am playing on stars in April, but than with "Black Friday" things got bit chaotic, and I missed some games. So instead of April he will get May, I post results in same posts like April was, this means on page 2 and 3 of this thread.

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Re: Ginas' staking request on Boyles, sold out Sorry, this thing is not running good at all for me, makes me feel badly, finished 40th had 3672 chips, and AK, except one who did a minimum raise all folded, so I thought I might try and went all in, unfortunately he had 99, now he has more chips and I have none

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Ginas' staking request on Boyles, sold out first break, 100 starters, 5000 starting chips could be better, but I think with sitting there and looking stupid after 2nd hand in game, and having 1335 chips, I can not complain and shall be happy that I am still in so currently 8 of 85 left with 9944 chips, blinds will be after break 50/100 blinds go up all 12 mins

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Re: Ginas' staking request on Boyles, sold out third break, running short now, currently 26 out of 30 left, 7034 chips blinds after break will be 400/800 ante 100 will have to make a few bolds and/or silly moves, and I deeply hope I choose the wrong moment for them and they work

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