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1:1 GUKPT staking offer **SOLD OUT**


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  • Name: Samba_SamPa on PL

  • Stake Requested: £1070 - 100 shares of £10.70
  • Event/Tournament: GUKPT leg 3 - Walsall
  • Offer: 100% payback - 1 share = 1% of returns
  • Date of Event/Tournament: 29th April - 1st May 2011

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Peter Norton agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. As some of you will know I won the January Punter's Lounge GUKPT League, for a £1070 GUKP Main Event seat. I need to let Graeme know which leg I wish to use that for. The next available leg is Walsall at the end of April (the London leg is a larger buy-in) - if I am able to sell 40% of myself at a 1:1 payback offer, then I will play that event. This would cover my travel and accommodation expenses to play it. If there isn't much interest, then I will play the Blackpool leg in November, as we have family in Preston and can kill 2 birds with 1 stone by staying there and travelling from there to Blackpool. Last year's Walsall leg had 206 runners, for a prize pool of £206k, and payouts ranging from the winner's £57,700 down to the min cash in 22nd of £2,050. Obviously with it being in April there is no need at all to be transferring monies now - I just want to canvass interest and see whether it is worth telling Graeme I will play this leg. When monies would need to be transferred, then Bank Transfers would be preferred, or a 2nd choice of Neteller - to avoid the play-through requirements of the poker rooms. I am taking 60%, so there is 40% available Shout up if you'd be interested in buying a piece of me, and then I will take it from there as to what happens. Cheers all :cheers

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Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer Samba SamPa - 50% WASP - 10% [£107] - on the day, thanks GaF - 10% [£107] - received, thanks Superfoo - 2% [£21.40] - received, thanks Ooblio - 14% [£149.80] - received, thanks Belgareth - 3% [£32.10] - received, thanks Averick - 1% [£10.70] - received, thanks andyfmfb - 10% [£107] - in exchange for a 3.5% share in Andy's Irish Open tournament (22nd - 25th April)

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Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer

  • Name: Samba_SamPa on PL

  • Stake Requested: £428 - 100 shares of £4.28
  • Event/Tournament: GUKPT leg 3 - Walsall
  • Offer: 100% payback - 1 share = 0.4% of returns
  • Date of Event/Tournament: 29th April - 1st May 2011

I dont understand but I've never been good at algebra;) 1:1 to me is one share £10.70 and if you win £2000 then I get £200
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Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer

I dont understand but I've never been good at algebra;) 1:1 to me is one share £10.70 and if you win £2000 then I get £200
My bad - I missed off the part explaining I was selling 40% of me. Easier if I just say I am having 60% :ok And a 1% stake in £2000 winnings would be £20 ;)
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Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer

My bad - I missed off the part explaining I was selling 40% of me. Easier if I just say I am having 60% :ok And a 1% stake in £2000 winnings would be £20 ;)
lolz it was worth a try :D But finally someone selling at spot :nana there are too many selling at an unjustifiable premium on here and if you look recently - Jake Cody sold his WPT shares at spot and James Keys come 2nd in the Aussie millions and sold shares at spot and there are season pro's selling at 1.1 to 1.2 max, so why do others think they can get 1.3? And for that reason I'm in and will have 10% - me and moley are playing Walsall so if you play I'll weigh you in down there :ok Just a thought if you dont play there is a difference between the GUK Walsall and Blackpool. Walsall is a very strong and long established cardroom, so apart from the pro's playing the local reg's are very tough nuts to crack as well. Blackpool on the other hand still has the same pro's but because it's the last leg, a lot of qualifiers throughout the year turn up, so a little softer IMO - add into that it's an excellent casino, the staff are top notch, cheap B&B's and lots of strip clubs then Blackpool gets my vote any day over going to Walsall. Though saying that Walsall is the royal wedding/may day double BH weekend so no time needed off work and the Holiday Inn Express across the road is currently £40 a night :ok
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Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer

But finally someone selling at spot :nana there are too many selling at an unjustifiable premium on here and if you look recently - Jake Cody sold his WPT shares at spot and James Keys come 2nd in the Aussie millions and sold shares at spot and there are season pro's selling at 1.1 to 1.2 max, so why do others think they can get 1.3? And for that reason I'm in and will have 10%
Yeah I agree 100% and for that reason it's worth supporting :ok I'll take 10% :ok
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer **95% gone** Still 5 shares remaining at £10.70 per share. Anything not sold doesn't matter obviously - I will be playing the tournament anyway. Just giving it a bump :ok 1 share gets you 1% of the action, payment by bank transfer OR 888poker

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Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer **96% gone** @Averick - you should be able to send in GBP on Neteller, that's what currency my account is in anyway. If not, it will be around $17.50-$18. I'm away for a couple of days at the minute so can't check the exact figure @Ooblio - 888 will be fine mate, thanks. Using my Dad's Nokia and the edit and quote etc buttons at the bottom of posts I can't seem to get to work so will update thread when I return home late Sat pm / early Sun am. Thanks both

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: 1:1 GUKPT staking offer **SOLD OUT** No returns from this, sorry guys :( I went out with around 37 left of my flight, midway through Level 7. Blinds were 400/800 a.75 and I had around 10.5k chips. I got AK utg - wasn't going to raise then fold to a 3-bet, so shipped in the 13 BBs, and got called by the button's KK. Didn't bink an ace. Pretty cruel twist of fate was that I had been on the same table for 6 hours, got moved to an adjoining one where I sat for 7 or 8 hands before the table broke. When we drew for new seats I got a different seat back on my original table. The person with KK was sitting in my original seat :eyes Thinking back on the day yesterday, I wasn't happy with how I played really. I got very few decent hands (AK x2, QQ, JJ) in 6 and a half hours, but that wouldn't have stopped me from playing hands in the early stages online. So I was disappointed I didn't play my normal game. I won a couple of hands (just about the only 2 I played :$) in the first 2 levels and was up to 16.5k. I then lost 1600 when 3-betting JJ pre-flop and folding to an all-in 4-bet. He said he had Kings, but didn't show). My QQ came on level 4, sitting in the big blind. Button raised, I 3-bet to 1750 and he flatted. Flop came Kxx. I fired on the flop, he called, then turn was an Ace :( Fired again, and he just casually toppled his stack over the line so to call I'd be all-in. I folded and was down to around 9600 I built too big a pot without even an overpair, and could probably have got to showdown for the same cost if I had been more cautious, so that was another thing I wasn't happy with myself for. I was down to 8950 at end of level 4, grinded through level 5 to get back up to about 12k, before blinding 1k or so away before the exit hand. Not that it gets you any money back :sad but I do think I am 'richer' for the experience. Coming away from it I don't feel like it was particularly a tournament where I couldn't hold my own if I played my game, and would definitely be more confident given another chance at playing one of them. Something else learned is that drinks with WASP and the mole are never dull! :lol a convention of vertically challenged persons, and a close encounter with a very pissed off Cockney Snoop Dogg wannabe on day release - and that was just one of the nights! lol Both good company, both cheeky feckers, and both generous to a tee. :cheers

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