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GUKPT Manchester Main Event


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Unfortunately both runadrum & myself didn't make it past Day1 of the Main event. I was unlucky enough to have AA & KK busted by the same guy, firstly AA gets busted by 56, after he chases his gutshot on the flop. Then a few hands later KK gets busted by 66. Runadrum was also very unlucky, raising pre-flop with 77 he was put all-in by a guy holding AK, with a Q7x flop things are looking good, until a J on the turn and 10 on the river. However I did get lucky, by the fact that I was sat in the seat that won the draw for a seat in the Champion of Champions online comp next week, restricted to 30 players with a £10,000 prizepool, but then again I will be up against the winners of all the Manchester events.

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