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Question of the Week 4


Question of the Week 4  

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    • 2nd Barrell
    • Check

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Re: Question of the Week 4 Hmmmmm Interesting If he's decent I'll prob bet the turn, as he prob won't pay me off if I hit a flush or straight. Might even end up a split pot. Then again checking can also work and get an extra River bet if you hit and he doesn't believe you did. He didn't 3bet pre-flop or raise the flop so you could prob rule out some hands like a set, Jack-10, Ace-Jack, flush draw, Ace King, Ace Queen, Queens or Aces. He could have King-Jack, King-10, Queen-Jack, King Queen, 8-9, pair of 9's all possible. If he was a fish who pays off Flushes and straights when he has top pair I might check. Then again if he calls a turn and river with top pair, betting is also an option. Main thing is he probably won't fold to a turn bet. I feel there is often never a clear answer to these things.

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Re: Question of the Week 4 This is tricky, it looks like a barrel but really you need to know what hes capable of calling in the sb. I dont play the stakes but i would assume a lot of regs wouldnt be flatting TT JJ or 44 vs another reg, can he have JT or KT? Given this i would say that your/our range is way stronger than his and that a barrel folds out a lot and is good.

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Re: Question of the Week 4 Hard to answer etc. It's so unlikely he has a set as on that flop people often c/r those, so the K improves so much of his range to either 2pair+ or pair and straight draw or pair and flush draw, although we have a lot of clean outs i don't think a 3barrel gets him to fold much so i'd check back turn, kind of disguising our flush draw too and not bluffing the river if it bricks.

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Re: Question of the Week 4 Correct Answer: Second Barrel A king is a great second-barrel card at the best of times. Add in the fact it adds four more outs and it's a great card here. This spot is an easy barrel with like 90% of your range. The fact that even if you're called you have the nut flush draw makes it even easier. So fire to $34 and see what happens.

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