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PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Next Game Thurs 31st March


PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Next Game Thurs 31st March  

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

:welcome Harmony, look forward to seeing you at the tourneys. :ok What's your Stars alias?
Hello avongirl! Thank you muchly for the welcome! My alias is very imaginative [not...! ;-)] - Harmony26 :D Have just registered for the first event next week so looking forward to meeting you all on the tables - well the female element of PL!
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011 GaF Darling, I am so sorry I can not let you play in this. Unless you can sent me a paper of the doctor who did your gender operation ;) If the reason that you vote with yes was that you want the pink hoodie, please pm me your size and I knitt you an nice pink jumper with even fitting socks

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

Unless you can sent me a paper of the doctor who did your gender operation ;)
But I was born with my gender - no operation needed :tongue2
please pm me your size
At the risk of sounding too much like Andy Gray - isn't that a bit of a personal question?
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

But I was born with my gender - no operation needed :tongue2 At the risk of sounding too much like Andy Gray - isn't that a bit of a personal question?
I meant a jumper for you, not for your little gender :lol so the size of your chest :lol
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

my Stars account is in my wifes name' date='do i qualify??:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2[/quote'] nope, you can qualify if you turn into a female though, go do a doctor, have operation, let your doctor write you something that you a woman, than all is fine :lol
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

To save my doctor the hassle - will you accept photographic evidence? I've just taken this pic.... man-in-panties-high-heels-and-a-bra.JPG
thats funny and nice, and if it would be you, I would start knitting at once as pink jumper would fit nice to the dessous, but ;) I am pretty sure its not you, it not looks like your neck :lol
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

...it not looks like your neck :lol
I just laughed so loud I nearly woke everyone up :rollin The possibility of it being GaF in bra, knickers and high heels is entirely plausible... but that NECK is wrong?!?!!! :rollin :rollin
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

I just laughed so loud I nearly woke everyone up :rollin The possibility of it being GaF in bra, knickers and high heels is entirely plausible... but that NECK is wrong?!?!!! :rollin :rollin
yes but look at it, the Neck seems I don't know sort of older than the rest of body and not fit to it anyway, so is quite irritating. So I decided it can't be GaFs neck, is to old for him. So is wrong Him being in bra and knickers is not really wrong if that is what he like, only I would give him a little fashion advice the coulour of highheels is not good to this colour of bra and knickers
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011 Few days more to go, I am quite happy about all those who joined so far, but seriously we could need a few more to play. The prize might be small, but it is a nice thing so far, and it only will continue if we are bit more to play I do my best to spread the word, but I am sure some of you guys have girlfriends or a wife or well both ;), and perhaps some of them play, so perhaps you can convince them? Would be great

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011

Hello' date=' I've just signed up for PuntersLounge to play in the Ladies League. My husband is always looking at the forum and recommended this League to me. Hope he passes a bit of luck my way....[/quote'] :welcome on PL, see you at the table on Thursday
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Starts Feb 2011 Don't forget the game tonite, from 11 members 6 are registered To those who voted but aren't in the homegameclub, please apply soon, I will be most time around pc today, but I as well cook dinner later, so take care you do in time, so I can confirm Lots of luck and fun on the tables

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