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Hilo Hand, why have I lost


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Okay, this is serious question, I have finished the hendon today, with a hand where I am quite sure, that I would have win the lo hand, but I did not. I asked a friend, he think the same. But we both not expert on hilo, could anyone please explain to me why I had lost the low hand here???? :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Full Tilt Poker Game #27392853258: Hendon Mob Forum League (195988408), Table 1 - 60/120 - Pot Limit Omaha H/L - 16:12:03 ET - 2011/01/18 Seat 1: DJSMITH1 (710), is sitting out Seat 2: catmanlondon (3,332) Seat 3: Nightbully (4,220) Seat 4: PrinceSheba (3,188) Seat 5: BOP-GEORGE (494) Seat 7: Dall Sun (6,806) Seat 8: Silverstar67 (1,548) Seat 9: Bejaysus (1,066) Silverstar67 posts the small blind of 60 Bejaysus posts the big blind of 120 The button is in seat #7 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Silverstar67 [3h 2c Ad Td] DJSMITH1 folds catmanlondon calls 120 Nightbully folds PrinceSheba folds BOP-GEORGE folds Dall Sun has 15 seconds left to act Dall Sun calls 120 Silverstar67 calls 60 Bejaysus checks *** FLOP *** [3d 7s 6c] Silverstar67 checks Bejaysus checks catmanlondon bets 480 Dall Sun has 15 seconds left to act Dall Sun folds Silverstar67 calls 480 Bejaysus folds *** TURN *** [3d 7s 6c] [6s] Silverstar67 checks catmanlondon bets 1,440 Silverstar67 calls 948, and is all in catmanlondon shows [Jc 4d 5h 3c] Silverstar67 shows [3h 2c Ad Td] Uncalled bet of 492 returned to catmanlondon *** RIVER *** [3d 7s 6c 6s] [Ac] catmanlondon shows a straight, Seven high, for high and 6,5,4,3,A, for low Silverstar67 shows two pair, Aces and Sixes, for high and 7,6,3,2,A, for low catmanlondon wins the high pot (1,668) with a straight, Seven high catmanlondon wins the low pot (1,668) with 6,5,4,3,A *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3,336 | Rake 0 Board: [3d 7s 6c 6s Ac] Seat 1: DJSMITH1 didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: catmanlondon showed [Jc 4d 5h 3c] and won (3,336) with HI: a straight, Seven high; LO: 6,5,4,3,A Seat 3: Nightbully didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: PrinceSheba didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: BOP-GEORGE didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: Dall Sun (button) folded on the Flop Seat 8: Silverstar67 (small blind) showed [3h 2c Ad Td] and lost with HI: two pair, Aces and Sixes; LO: 7,6,3,2,A Seat 9: Bejaysus (big blind) folded on the Flop

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Re: Hilo Hand, why have I lost You've just been extremely unlucky as this situation is quite rare and can only occur when there are 4 or 5 low board cards. The lowest board cards were 63A and your opponent could use them showing 6543A. But you could not use the lowest board cards to make 5 low and had to use the 7 to make 7632A and as a result your opponent had the lowest high card a 6 and won the low. If you look at the board cards A3667 the nut low is clearly A2346 and a seasoned hi lo player would know that. If you focus on the board its not so difficult to work out what nut low is and check your hand to see if you had a 2 and 4. At hi lo you have to aware of when your low cards become counterfieted in that they are on the board and in your hand so that you no longer have nut low. When your cards are counterfeited you may not have a low hand but when there are 4 or 5 low cards on board a counterfieted hand can often win(even be nut low) so your call was ok but speculative. It seems complicated but you must focus on the board and ask yourself 'whats nut low' and ' can I make nut low using 2 of my cards and 3 board cards'.

ok, I thought the A 2 is better than A 3 though, as I quite often have won with A 2 against A 3 can't remember highest numbers though thank you
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Re: Hilo Hand, why have I lost Simple answer is your Ace and three were counterfeited on the board, giving you seven high. Out of all the cards on the board and in your hand make the best 5 card hand with cards lower than an 8 that doesn't give you a pair.

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Re: Hilo Hand, why have I lost I can see why you put your money in but your opponent has 6 outs to take down the pot and any other cards in the deck to get half the pot. If you dont mind me giving advice I would say to raise with your hand pre flop to get people off who play cards like his in hi/low. Generally your going to be strong against him pre flop and he/she cant really call a raise if they have a clue how to play. Might allow you to control the betting after the flop more. Generally in Hi/Low the books say you dont really want to be shoving if your not in with a chance to get 3/4 or a scoop drawing to half is always bad. In this case very unlucky and hope your next tournie goes better. For the low count backwards from your highest card 8 or lower.

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