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Grand Prix €80,000 gteed seats selling fast !

Simon Trumper

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This week we have the second Grand Prix , buy in is €100 + €15 and you can choose to play Day 1a Friday 21st or Day1b Saturday 22nd , club opens at 11am with start time 1pm. You can only buy in direct via Dusk Till Dawn online. We are guaranteeing the prizepool at €80,000 and each day is capped at 405 players. Day 1b currently has 289 players registered and should sell out by tomorrow , Day 1a has 151. 10,000 chips and a 40 minute clock is a fantastic structure for such a low buy in with a shot at winning over €20,000 for first place. We ran 28 Golden Chip satellites with 56 seats guaranteed and qualified 125 players , if one or more of these make the final they will also receive an additional £5000 ! Full details of the event are here.... http://www.dusktilldawnpoker.com/grandprix It is always a great experience to play at Dusk Till Dawn but even more so when the club has 400 players as the atmosphere is fantastic. We sold out in advance last time so don't miss out , buy in today ! Cheers ACES

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Day 1b sold out only 167 seats left As expected Day 1b sold out yesterday and there are only 167 seats left in Day 1a which should sell out today or tomorrow. Don't miss out , this is going to be a fantastic event to play especially with so many Golden Chip winners who if they make the final will pocket an extra £5000 ! Cheers ACES

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105 seats left in Grand Prix 705 seats have now been sold so just 105 remaining in this weekends Grand Prix . Sunday the side event will be a Super 50 at 3pm , £50 + £8 , 10,000 chips 30 minute clock guaranteed at £10,000. Buy in now and make a weekend of it here at Dusk Till Dawn. ACES

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