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Question of the Week 3


Question of the Week 3  

  1. 1.

    • Bet Out
    • Check / Raise
    • Check / Fold

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Re: Question of the Week 3 I would bet at it, seems like a weak thing to do so if he has the ace might think your on a draw and re-raise you to make you pay for it. Only way I would go for check raising if I knew the guy well enough to know that even if he didn't have an ace he would continuation bet anything. So in certain circumstances I might do that but most of the time I would bet at it.

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Re: Question of the Week 3 So villain dependant, but the majority of time we'll just see villain check back the turn if we c/c flop, even if they have an Ace, i see it so so often that c/r flop is probably best as they'll put us on a wider range than just having a set and so they may level themselves with Ax, flush draws etc. and stack off.

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Re: Question of the Week 3 Correct Answer: Bet out You want to win your opponent’s stack, so bet now and start building the pot. If you check-raise you may get your opponent to call with a decent ace, but he may just fold everything else. If you bet out now your opponent will call with all aces and/or even bluff your donk bet. So bet out now.

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