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2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games


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At first iam making this tread in hopes it will helps me to get into my target for a 2011. After 5 years of tournament poker i decided to add cash games to my game---main reason---have not that much time for a tournament and wish to get some nice rakeback during this year. I start playing a cash on full titl with deposit 23pounds (38$) and stakes 0,02/0,05$ after very lucky start and some help with HUSng got 140$ and move up to 0,5/0,1. In first week of play earn 50$ rake so my total for today is 188$ My target for that year is to made bankroll about 3000$ and play regular 0,25/0,5$ multi -tbl but at first will try to move up bank to 600$ and start play 0,1/0,25---hopes it happen in next 2 months Also wanna put info in that tread coz many times have a big problem with my game when build nice bankroll and lost it all after a bad day--its called mega stupid tilt on High HU Sng So when start posting my result here will be stupid to post that i do it again and lost my bankroll in few hours (minutes) which i made a milions times allready :puke So today have 188$ playing 14 tbl at one time (no ninja so far but anyway have only 18 BI) play 0,5/0,1 up to build 600$ daily target--min 250FTP --which should give rake about 7,5$ (on sunday made almost 900) wish me luck please and special no TILT after bad session

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games Wow 14 is alot to start with when just starting out in cash games, best of luck nonetheless. Do you use a HUD? In reg-infested games it is very important to have reads on the regulars, and be familiar with their play. 60 BIs before you move up is pretty safe but I guess you could try taking shots when you have say 30 BIs, maybe 10 tables of NL10 and 5 tables of NL25, something like that! Good luck:ok

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games

Wow 14 is alot to start with when just starting out in cash games, best of luck nonetheless. Do you use a HUD? In reg-infested games it is very important to have reads on the regulars, and be familiar with their play. 60 BIs before you move up is pretty safe but I guess you could try taking shots when you have say 30 BIs, maybe 10 tables of NL10 and 5 tables of NL25, something like that! Good luck:ok
Use to play 26tbl but sng on stars so 14 give me planty of time --have only 21" monitor so no way to put it more Do not have HUD yet (will take 15 days free form holdem manager) but will buy it leter coz spend my all poker money for a new car on december Wanna stay longer on this stakes and build up to 60 BI coz iam very new on cash games on as i say very scared on my tilt thinks know i have planty to learn about it and iam ready for this hope one day will play with you and Nade on tbl --one day:)
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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games At this moment not sure how rakeback works on full tilt on 1st week my play i got rake in rate 100points--3$ made 811 points and get 25 2nd week only 100 points---1.67$ made 3291 points and get 55 :( thats a very big diffrence so need to write to rakeback company to confirm with one in corect

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games a week summary hands:22K profit $36 rakeback: $44 total bank $210 So far runing good--have a 4 days down but one day win more than these 4 days:) Still play only NL10 and 14tbl at time but planing to start using ninja poker sine 2nd week feb. and will buy a HEM in march (if i keep geting RB at this same level) Anyone knows why PTR shows about 40-50% of my hands played? and there are almost losing hands?

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games yesterday i got rakeback again so week looks bit beter profit $1 lol rakeback $39 total bank 250 slowlly up but that was a target also find out that FT have a limit of 16 tbl at one time--e-mail them but not sure they will put my limits up :(

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games

Good work so far :ok Do you think you'll get HEM? It's a great tool for looking back on HH after sessions which we can discuss on PL.
Thank you Nade--was working milions of overtime last week so cant really reply. Yes i will get HEM but dont know when-coz iam not mixing my live money with poker so i have to win 80$ first and than will get HEM. As we speak in Bolton i have alot to learn so puting HH on forum and asking whats iam doing wrong will be great lesson for me Have a very good last week but will post details tomorow-just back from 16 hours shift
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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games Wish to have more time to play but for now it will be hard coz overtimes continue for a all feb. Didnt play alot last week buat iam happy from my result profit $71 rakeback $ 27,5 bank $348 also during january made 15K FTP and if i want to swap for a tickets it will be about $70 :) + ticket to Gold Iron man 20K tournament As averick said i decide to start adding a NL25 tbl since i cross $250 so now iam playing 13x NL10+ 3xNL25. Will be very nice if of the end of feb. will have $500-550 :hope

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games

I'm waiting :spank.
ermm not easy to post for evryone that iam an idiot short info about what happened on weekend after very good sat where i set target to cross $400 and 1000 ftp which i did i set up the same for sunday games but... things go very bad and i goes down to $340 and than i turn off my shitty brain again and start playing HU games (22-55$) just becouse i wish to come back to my 400$$ any finish myself left with 120$ than play few mtt and finisg day with bank only 195$ yes i know i just flush my month hard game into toilet in just few hours--belive me i have no idea why iam doing that coz in real live iam very solid hard working person but n poker iam just sometimes shitty gambler :wall:wall:wall
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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games It's a shame that's happened but it must be really tough to maintain 100% concentration in something you do as a hobby. Nearly all full-time Poker players suffer tilt, concentration loss, playing when tired etc etc. so it's totally normal for part-time players to suffer the same and so i wouldn't beat yourself up over it, just try and learn from it and move on. In future you could try and set aside more time for playing so you don't feel pressured into playing which result in chasing losses etc. If you can't do that then try to set smaller goals and don't take it too seriously. If losing at Poker affects your home-life then it would be best to play lower, reduce your goals etc. But if it doesn't then you can just learn from it and move on quickly and keep on playing how you want. It all comes down to what you want from Poker. Make some plans for what you want from the game and work at achieving those goals from the ground up it starts with being settled in your everyday life too :ok

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Re: 2011 Rejmak Full tilt cash games Yes Nade i lost totally concentration on situation not sure why coz runing good to that moment--anyway it happened befor to me and i can come back to normal games after few days break. Last week summary look like: Lost $147 Rakeback $ 50 Bank $255 I also install and set up HEM have 15 days free trail and if i like it will buy it.

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