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Sky Poker Tour - Newcastle Leg - Dave488 =6th for £1000


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Re: Sky Poker Tour - Newcastle Leg - Dave488 =6th for £1000 Cheers guys, was pleased to get to the final table, but would have liked to have gone on and won it. :\ Basically lost a race for half my chips got the rest in first and got called by a better hand so hey ho. Think i will try for the next one in luton as to be honest i was pretty comfortable all day, apart from the fact the air con wasn't working in aspers and it was like playing poker in a greenhouse! Here i brief description of the main hands of the day anyway: I got lucky with jacks against kings early on for 3/4 of my stack where i hit a one outer, and one spot where i called an all in with 88 and a guy thought for ages before folding 99, the orginal guy had j3! When it got down to 2 tables i got move from the table i had been sat at all day to be sat one to the left of Glitterbabe (Wayne Rideout) who went on to win it, i'm not sure if we were in the money yet as it paid 16, but wayne raised to about 9000 (blinds 2k/4k) and i look down at 1010, so i push for about 23k, everyone folds he eventually calls with a3 and my 10's stand up. Then i called an all in with 77 for half my stack, he had kj, he missed and i hit trips on the turn, up to about 70k now. Next big is hand where wayne opened again for 13k (blinds 3k/6k) and i look down at 88 and 3 bet to 31k, he dwells for a while and eventually folded. Then a very strange hand, i think it was the bubble for the final table infact, i'm in the big blind (blinds 3k/6k) guy in mid position raises to 12k, another guys calls and sb folds, i have 6h5h, so i call. Flop comes 10d9d4s, gets checked around, turn is 5c, checked round again i think i must be winning now, the river is 5s to give me a set of 5's, so i fire out a small bet of 12k as i figure no one has anything much, the original raises then pushes all in for about 30k, other guy folds, i snap call and he shows 77! Why he didn't push all in pre i will never know, anyway that put me up to the chiplead as it broke for the final table and the rest is history as they say.

very well played Dave - we met at the Genting Poker tourny at Star City' date=' Birmingham and had a chat whilst watching Spurs beat Arsenal 3-2 - spend it wisely!![/quote'] Yes i do remember you, when you sat down arsenal were 2 up and you were amazed that spurs came back to win as i remember. Good to see you on here m8.
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Re: Sky Poker Tour - Newcastle Leg - Dave488 =6th for £1000

Just remembered a brand new song we made whilst railing the farmer..... Had people on the final table laughing and made it far far more fun for us watching behind him..... Dave, wanna give us a rendition?
yes i do remember it m8, something along the lines of dave has 4 cows, the big laugh from the final table was when i said "yeh and 2 of them are standing behind me!"
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