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Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Ended +$139.25]


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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$120.50] 4-4 so far today, from 0-2 and 2-4 down. I can feel my soul being steadily destroyed each time my KK aipf gets beaten my an Ace-rag hitting the Ace on the river, or my flopped Q-hi flush getting beaten by the oppo's top pair that hits runner-runner for a house etc. I know these are good situations and should be happy to be getting the chips in ahead, it does just suck the passion out of me when I am 6-9 over 2 days I feel I should be at least 11-4 :sad Trying hard to battle the doom demons!

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$116.50] Missed my stop-loss point for the first time thanks to my own absentmindedness. And now 4-8 for the day. I've just deleted 3 paragraphs of my noting the bad luck after getting chips in ahead. That's been deleted, this won't be a thread of me whinging. I am going to give it a break over the weekend, clear my negativity though. Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00 Day 4 +$26.50 Day 5 +$58.00 Day 6 +$5.50 Day 7 -$36.50 Day 8 -$50.00 Down to $70.50 profit over 8 days, having been $97 profit after 2 days. Sickener. My lack of mental fortitude is why I will never make a consistent grinding profit, the downswings affect me too much. Binking another nice MTT score is my only chance! :eyes :beer

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$70.50] Unlucky yesterday Samba, you are still in profit that is the main thing. Keeping focused in heads up is almost imposible IMO the very nature of the game seems designed to send you in to tilt mode.

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$70.50] Wasn't entirely what to do, but decided to drop down to the $6.25 ones yesterday to try and get some oomph back. I went 3-2 yesterday and 4-0 today, which helps, still not entirely sure what I want to do. Our washer/dryer is on the blink, so, as I always do, I am leaning towards using the money I have won this month for something practical rather than trying to build a roll. I can't help it - I am married with 2 children, and just feel that that money would be better used getting us something we need as a family that we wouldn't particularly be able to afford otherwise :$ Anyway, I am up $27.75 over yesterday and today

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$98.25] Not quite sure if anything's changed in my play since having a rest, I don't think so, or if it is just an upswing, but I have managed to get things in ahead and hold and have went 4-0 stepping back up to the $11.50 games :unsure That's the last 9 (5 @ $6.25, 4 @ $11.50) that I have won over the last 2 and a bit days. $42 profit for the day

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$140.25] I haven't met my target, I won a further 1 and lost a 1 after the latest update, finishing with a $139.25 profit. Nonetheless I am happy at having turned a not insignificant profit over the fortnight I have played the HU SNGs. I'm ending the challenge here. In anticipation of hopefully beginning a staking on Sunday/Monday, I am withdrawing all funds that are solely mine from Pokerstars. Some will get used for the couple of things we need around the house, whilst the rest will undoubtedly get wasted on meals out and other miscellany - but hey it will be using money we didn't have 3 weeks ago so it's all handy :) Thanks for the support :ok

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