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Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Ended +$139.25]


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Nothing elaborate. Just playing $11 HU SnGs on Stars during January. I played yesterday, winning my first 5, then losing the final 2, which gave me the idea of setting a daily stop profit/loss, so I will be following these rules:

  • Play only $11 HU SnGs
  • Stop if hitting $50 profit on any day or
  • Stop if hitting $30 loss on any day

There's 25 days left in the month, my target is to make $500 profit. That is all :) :hope

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge Cheers :ok Played 11 this morning, and have went 7-4, could feel myself getting tilty in the final one against the same person who had beaten me in the previous one when a crazy call was rewarded. They had moved into a 2.2k to 800 chip lead in the final one too with pretty dumb play, and I was starting to steam (even though I know in the long run I will profit for playing these sort of player :) lol). Anyway, came back and won the final one, and am stopping it there for now. May play this evening, but if not I am in profit for Day 1 - important for morale perhaps, mine anyway. starshusngjan7a.jpg Day 1 +$27.50

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge Well done...! looks like you really were champing at the bit to play last night.. very sneaky waiting until after midnight :lol. To be honest I am not sure why you have the stop when being up $50, surely when you are winning and confident you want to keep going. How about a rolling stop loss or something... if you get to $50 profit at any time you can keep going unless you give back 2 more buy-ins then call it a day.

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge Is it too late to include HU MTTs in this thread? :lol Oh well, blatant brag post it will have to be then

PokerStars Tournament #347610361, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $10.00/$0.20 USD 499 players Total Prize Pool: $4990.00 USD Tournament started 2011/01/08 23:45:00 WET [2011/01/08 18:45:00 ET] Dear nortzledg, You finished the tournament in 2nd place. A USD 648.70 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge Atrocious play, and when I've played well, atrocious luck, and I have hit the stop-loss for Sunday, so I am stopping here, and will play no more today Went 7-9 for an exact $30 loss Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$84] Cheers guys. Averick that would be cheating :spank ;) Just played another 3, and won 2, for a further $9.50 profit, but feeling tired now so stopping here for the day. Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00 Day 4 +$26.50

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$93.50]

Got a few in this morning and have went 6-4 for $20 profit. May come back to it later Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00 Day 4 +$26.50 Day 5 +$20.00
Made a mistake there, the profit for today is only $17. Thanks Hooloovoo. My ROI is just shy of 15% after 65 games. If it is still that after 650 I will be happy
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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$110.50] Another 6 played with a 5-1 record, 11-5 on the day so have passed the $50 target for the day. Got things to do tonight so likely leave it at that for the day. Creeping upwards :beer Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00 Day 4 +$26.50 Day 5 +$58.00

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$151.50] Cheers. Just been looking at my sharkscope graph starssharkscopea.jpg I have bordered the bit that encompasses this challenge. Previously pointless, sporadic, play with ~325 games played over the course of just over 3 years. Going nowhere. Now, with a focus and some discipline, going in the right direction.

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$151.50] Playing not so good this morning so giving it a rest for a while. May come back to it later. Recovered from 2-4 to finish 6-5 for a small profit Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00 Day 4 +$26.50 Day 5 +$58.00 Day 6 +$5.50

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$157.00] Just going to stick with the $11.50 ones this month, then will be playing on PokerIdol in Feb, Mar, Apr to get the points for the Vegas competition. Plan is another month at this level in May, and see if I am still going as well

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$157.00] Going really well mate, 1 losing day out of 6 is excellent :clap You are inspiring me to do something similar but starting at lowest level ($2.14) and building up when each level is beaten... (although need to get some cash together for stars!). I did OK at HU before and won the Billythepunter heads up knockout comp on here in 2010 or 2009 I forget, beating a few regulars along the way... including woodie :ok and GeordieGaz ;) How many buy-ins do people recommend for heads up? Between 20-40? Or min 40bb?

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Re: Samba's Jan '11 HUSNG Challenge [Target +$500, Current +$157.00] 2-5 today :puke Whereas I played poorly yesterday and came out ahead, I got 'them in' well ahead in 3 of my 5 defeats today. Swingage Day 1 +$45.50 Day 2 +$51.50 Day 3 -$30.00 Day 4 +$26.50 Day 5 +$58.00 Day 6 +$5.50 Day 7 -$36.50

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