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Ipoker Winter Sales Stake Request With Freebie SOLD

Burnley Joe

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  • Name: BurnleyJoe on PL

  • Stake Requested: $218 @ 100 shares of $2.18
  • Event/Tournament: Torneys on Willy Hill
  • Offer: I will buy 25%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: Dates Below

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Joe Geraghty agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Mon 100111 $35K Guaranteed High Rollers $109 FO (normally $550 buyin) Sun 160111 $200K Guaranteed $109 FO (normally $300 buyin) As a bonus, i will also buy in to this Fridays $60K ($55) and you will be entitled to the same share So total cost $273 but only charging $218 BurnleyJoe (plymouth) on stars Me 25% Rebel 75%

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Re: Ipoker Winter Sales Stake Request With Freebie Full Hands Starting Stack 5000 627 runners K 3 6 9 4 8 5 9 10 5 BB saw a 374 flop fold A 2 SB saw a 10 5 8 flop fold K 8 small raise 5 2 J flop fold BB bet 10 4 6 Q 2 6 A 8 9 9 guy raises UTG 5 bbs to 150 i call 6 5 8 flop i bet 250 and win 10 9 Q 2 BB UTG bets i see flop 4 6 8 he bets i fold 2 8 B fold 4 Q 10 7 2 2 raise 3bbs to 150 4 8 J flop i bet 150 he folds Q 6 J 4 Q 5 A J big raise UTG so fold 9 4 J 10 BB Button raise 3 x bbs call and see flop K 3 9 button raises 400 fold A Q SB Button raises 3 x bb 6 J Q check 6 ceck 8 he bets 300 i call he has 6 7 lose (should have bet the flop) 5 J K 4 A 5 K 7 A 8 K 10 A A raise 3 bbs they all fold win blinds A 5 10 Q BB 2 raisers i fold 2 2 SB i raiser 3 x bbs i reraise i fold 7 5 4 J K 8 4 6 6 10 A Q raise 3 bbs to 300 all fold Q 9 Q 5 K 6 BB 1 raiser i fold A 10 SB button bets 250 i raise 2 600 Q 9 10 flop i bet 600 he calls Q comes he shoves i fold 9 8 button flat call Q 8 6 BB bets i fold 2 10 7 7 i raise to 300 and win A 7 J 10 A J raise to 300 all fold i win 9 3 blinds 75/150 Break Currently have 2900 from the 5000, AA once and they all folded lol Plenty of time, currently 499/627 left

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Re: Ipoker Winter Sales Stake Request With Freebie 2nd hour QQ in BB UTG raisess to 300 1 caller i raise to 1200 both fold 3500 in chips 10 9 SB i raiser i fold 7 2 6 J J 7 7 8 Q 10 8 9 K 7 Q 7 BB 1 flat caller i see flop K 5 6, checks, turn K SB bets 400 i fold 9 3 SB i raiser i fold A 2 2 8 BLINDS 100/200 J K i raise 600 i win J K 1 raiser i fold J 7 J 9 A 5 2 6 3 6 BB A Q SB 1 all in for 1100 i call flop 6 9 A turn J river K he shows K J sick, down to 2100 sick A 8 Button, i shove and win 4 5 A 10 i raise to 600 all fold i win 7 8 5 4 8 9 3 8 A 5 utg Q 4 BB flop Q i bet and win K J 1 raiser i fold Q 8 8 8 i raiser i raise to 1300 he calls flop 7 7 A i bet he folds Back up to 5000 J 3 4 K 7 3 5 2 2 Q J 4 J K SB 1 raiser i call A A 8 flop i fold 6 8 10 9 3 K 9 3 J 10 7 J A 6 BLINDS 150/100 3 Q 4 3 BB 1 raiser i fold A 3 SB 2 all ins i fold 8 5 8 10 10 Q 6 4 J 3 5 8 A 9 BB 2 raisers i fold 10 8 SB Button shove i fold Break

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Re: Ipoker Winter Sales Stake Request With Freebie SOLD Card dead 3rd hour 294 left Blinds 150/300 have 3000 chips, will need to make a move soon 6 3 10 5 7 4 2 3 5 K A 7 7 5 K 10 UTG 4 7 BB UT shoves i fold 4 9 SB 1 all in i fold 200/400 blinds Need a double 66 on the button i shove lasst 2100 BB calls A 8 an hits the 8 on the flop sorry mate 265/627 Fckingg terrible run of cards, stats say i played 16/136 hands!

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