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Live Hand - your thoughts


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This hand has been bugging me for ages as I guess I could have got away from it but I still think it would be negative/passive to do so - what do you think? 2 day £150 buy in tournament, 1st level - 25/50 - 10,000 starting chips I raise to 125 everyone folds around to BB who calls - I have 6s, 7s Flop comes Ks, 5s, 5d BB - Checks I - BET 200 BB - calls Turn comes 3s making a flush BB - makes huge overbet of 1500 (hence I could have got away from it) I - raise to 3000 (I should have gone all-in (or folded) BB - goes all in I - call and end up on a 1 outer (4s) as he has As Js Miracle card does not arrive. So was I bad or just unlucky?

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts The only bad move in this hand is calling all in. I like your min raise to his overbet, but your question was answered by his all in. There is to many hands beating you, not to mention paired board. You have to have a hand close to nuts at this stage of tournament to be all in. You will lose about 40% of your stack, but with only 1st or 2nd level of the game, there's plenty of time to win some back.

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts I'm probably folding to the 1500 bet here - there's so many hands that are beating you here it's just not worthwhile getting into such a big pot this early on in a deepstack tourney.... there'll be so many better spots throughout the tourney :ok

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts It's not that unlucky when the pot is 650 by the turn, then all of a sudden there's a 20k, 400BB pot and you're getting beaten by 11 hands, not to mention all the combos of those 11. The turn raise is the worst part here, the only way we get value is from his bluffs so if we in any way think he could be FOS then call and see what happens on the river. WASP i appreciate you have tons more live experience but faced with a huge over bet of turn and 3bet shove to make a near i assume 400BB pot getting it in with 6high flush is definitely not standard.

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts I think you can discount being up against any full house. Villian likes his hand but thinks its vunerable so its either trip 5's(no spade) or a bigger flush. Maybe even top pair with a flush draw or just the bare ace of spades(doubt it though) Easier call online with half a dozen tables open but certainley not an auto fold anywere. Can see the logic in not raising the turn though, might have got away cheaper with position on a paired board.

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts He's bet over double the pot to bet honest any hand looking to get it in with him should be ahead of his nut flush this early on it looks a harder fold then is. On the turn if your raising it should for information not value so you should then fold. Its hard to imagine him bluffing here so what you think your beating??

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts Its not really a strat thread as the OP revealed the outcome and hence a lot of results orientated thinking tends to come out. If the OP had stopped at the turn bet you would not have guessed the nut flush the villains line looks more like trips and he polarised his range with the two overbets and I would have aired on the side of bluff but as it turns out it is a badly played nut flush but you have to go with the info and reads you have at the time and this is what reb33 did so you cannot call this bad play just unlucky. Its a 2 day comp and imo you have to take your chances early it this type of comp and folding (as played) would not have been an option for me but on the other hand I would have folded 67 in EP pre and not been in this situation in the first place (that bit was bad :D)

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts

If the OP had stopped at the turn bet you would not have guessed the nut flush the villains line looks more like trips and he polarised his range with the two overbets
Can you elaborate on this? I don't get how calling a flop bet on a 2 tone board then bombing the turn when the flush hits indicates trips. He's polarizing his range between fullhouse/nut flush and air. His over-bet turn is polarized, we're crushed by fullhouses and loads of higher flushes and the air we only get more value from by calling the turn. And if he is merging his range with a K here again there's no value in a raise.
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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts WASP - I would have folded 67 in EP pre and not been in this situation in the first place (that bit was bad :D) Interesting comment as I tend to play these sort of hands more frequently at the cheap early stages than in the latter levels -at what stage do you tend to play suited connectors and why? Dik - here you go :beer

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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts

Can you elaborate on this? I don't get how calling a flop bet on a 2 tone board then bombing the turn when the flush hits indicates trips. He's polarizing his range between fullhouse/nut flush and air. His over-bet turn is polarized, we're crushed by fullhouses and loads of higher flushes and the air we only get more value from by calling the turn. And if he is merging his range with a K here again there's no value in a raise.
He check called the flop - to me the action of a rag 5 he may have donk led with a K or even a FH. His turn bet is crazy if he has FH he may lose a good customer to me it smells of rag 5 trying to protect against a rag heart but thats just they way I read it. I wouldn't take him (the way it is played) for a nutflush its either very stupid way of playing it or it is levels way beyong my thinking. So for me as I am discounting the FH and the nut flush and I may lean towards air but I in a live game I would rely on a lot more info that what I have here to come to a conclusion. Inconclusive, lots of ways to look at it but back to the original question I don't view it as bad play by the OP :ok
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Re: Live Hand - your thoughts

WASP - I would have folded 67 in EP pre and not been in this situation in the first place (that bit was bad :D) Interesting comment as I tend to play these sort of hands more frequently at the cheap early stages than in the latter levels -at what stage do you tend to play suited connectors and why? Dik - here you go :beer
I dont mind playing them in fact I'll play a lot worse hands in the early stages, with position. You dont actually say what position you are in and how many players are sat down but with 9 or 10 players UTG I'd ditch them, in mid postion I may call in late position I would raise with no previous action. As it happens in this hand all fold and you have position the rest of the hand on the BB (who should have raised with his holding) but there are so many times in EP you will get calls from position and you play the rest of the streets out of position with a marginal holding - not a great place to be.
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