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same again - same player....Call or Fold?


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PokerStars Game #54729409185: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25 USD) - 2010/12/23 19:47:34 WET [2010/12/23 14:47:34 ET] Table 'Peacock V' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: VidrikVello ($61.11 in chips) Seat 2: teaulc ($7.79 in chips) Seat 3: topseed86 ($41.45 in chips) Seat 4: gnupa ($32.61 in chips) Seat 5: Rexonja ($37.13 in chips) VidrikVello: posts small blind $0.10 teaulc: posts big blind $0.25 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ac 3h Ah Qh] topseed86 has timed out topseed86: folds gnupa: calls $0.25 Rexonja: folds VidrikVello: folds teaulc: raises $0.60 to $0.85 gnupa: calls $0.60 *** FLOP *** [6d Qd 2c] hari9 joins the table at seat #6 teaulc: bets $1.71 gnupa: raises $5.13 to $6.84

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Re: same again - same player....Call or Fold? I'd rarely raise bad aces preflop out of position here unless I could get at least half my stack in. I'd prefer to reraise with a hand like 78910 etc as you can then lead out on a decent amount of flops. It's a pretty dry flop for omaha but i wouldn't like to stack off with your hand here what are your stats on this fella?

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Re: same again - same player....Call or Fold? It's a difficult one because you are sitting with so little cash, therefore his risk is minimal to make plays against you. If you were sitting with the same sort of money it's a fold but he could be just bullying you.

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Re: same again - same player....Call or Fold? dont fully agree that these were bad Aces,as i have the Hearts, outside chance of straights as well,admit not the greatest starting hand but i have won with worse. as it was he got lucky this time on the flop,c`est la vie. once again thanks for your opinions :ok PokerStars Game #54729409185: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25 USD) - 2010/12/23 19:47:34 WET [2010/12/23 14:47:34 ET] Table 'Peacock V' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: VidrikVello ($61.11 in chips) Seat 2: teaulc ($7.79 in chips) Seat 3: topseed86 ($41.45 in chips) Seat 4: gnupa ($32.61 in chips) Seat 5: Rexonja ($37.13 in chips) VidrikVello: posts small blind $0.10 teaulc: posts big blind $0.25 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ac 3h Ah Qh] topseed86 has timed out topseed86: folds gnupa: calls $0.25 Rexonja: folds VidrikVello: folds teaulc: raises $0.60 to $0.85 gnupa: calls $0.60 *** FLOP *** [6d Qd 2c] hari9 joins the table at seat #6 teaulc: bets $1.71 gnupa: raises $5.13 to $6.84 teaulc: raises $0.10 to $6.94 and is all-in gnupa: calls $0.10 *** TURN *** [6d Qd 2c] [7c] *** RIVER *** [6d Qd 2c 7c] [Ks] *** SHOW DOWN *** teaulc: shows [Ac 3h Ah Qh] (a pair of Aces) gnupa: shows [6h Qc 9h Js] (two pair, Queens and Sixes) gnupa collected $14.91 from pot *** SUMMARY ***

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