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what do you do? Call or Fold?


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PokerStars Game #54728901128: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25 USD) - 2010/12/23 19:37:53 WET [2010/12/23 14:37:53 ET] Table 'Peacock V' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: VidrikVello ($58.91 in chips) Seat 2: teaulc ($19.50 in chips) Seat 3: topseed86 ($43.30 in chips) Seat 4: gnupa ($10.55 in chips) Seat 5: Rexonja ($41.68 in chips) Seat 6: Ronny Win ($8.55 in chips) Ronny Win: posts small blind $0.10 VidrikVello: posts big blind $0.25 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Kh 7s Jh Qh] teaulc: calls $0.25 topseed86: folds gnupa: raises $0.85 to $1.10 Rexonja: calls $1.10 Ronny Win: folds VidrikVello: folds teaulc: calls $0.85 *** FLOP *** [7c Jc 7d] teaulc: bets $1 gnupa: calls $1 Rexonja: calls $1 *** TURN *** [7c Jc 7d] [Kc] teaulc: checks gnupa: checks Rexonja: checks *** RIVER *** [7c Jc 7d Kc] [8d] teaulc: bets $2 gnupa: raises $6.45 to $8.45 and is all-in Rexonja: folds

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Re: what do you do? Call or Fold? Like Blondie once said, try to avoid hands with danglers. For me it's a fold pre flop, but lets carry on. Now you are raised and you called it out of position which begs for trouble. Great flop. Yet, I haven't got a clue what is that $1 bet on the flop? What are you trying to achieve? For me 2 choices. Bet the pot. At this point, I'm sure you have the best hand. If he has JJ, then you are very unlucky. If raiser calls, then it doesn't matter what turn cards brings (unless 7), you are going to put him all in for the rest of his stack. Secondly, and that's my choice, I would have checked to him on that flop. I'm 100% sure, he will fire pot bet on that flop, especially if he has AAxx or KKxx. Obviously, you then check raise him all in, with the same effect, but this time you have him all in on the flop with very much best hand. Problem is, I suspect he has KK and get you both ways. You just getting very unlucky here. One more thing. He can have hand like 10988 (or anything with 88). If that's the case, it shows that your betting was very poor and you gave it to him for free on the plate, if you called his all in on the river.

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Re: what do you do? Call or Fold? I'd fold this hand preflop without even thinking and limping out of position is just so bad. As played once you bet the flop why check the turn, and why didn't you pot bet the flop. If you thought you were winning on the flop then you still need to bet the turn as there are many cards that would enable both opponents to catch up. You then bet the river but why if you check the turn. Surely a check on the river is the best option to get a bet from a worse hand. Wouldn't surprise me if your opponent has KK K7 JJ and even 88 but as played you have to call. With no info on your opponetn he could also be a donk who hit his straight on the river. Your hand is playable in position but playing weak hands like this in limped pots oop is a recipe for disaster.

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Re: what do you do? Call or Fold? thanks guys on your opinions, i have a tendency to still slip in a small bet to keep the players in the pot which in turn kills me,i am working on this part of my game. i still think though that if i had pot bet the flop it would have been the same outcome. think very few people would fold a flopped Full House. nice spot on what he was holding though Steve :ok PokerStars Game #54728901128: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25 USD) - 2010/12/23 19:37:53 WET [2010/12/23 14:37:53 ET] Table 'Peacock V' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: VidrikVello ($58.91 in chips) Seat 2: teaulc ($19.50 in chips) Seat 3: topseed86 ($43.30 in chips) Seat 4: gnupa ($10.55 in chips) Seat 5: Rexonja ($41.68 in chips) Seat 6: Ronny Win ($8.55 in chips) Ronny Win: posts small blind $0.10 VidrikVello: posts big blind $0.25 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Kh 7s Jh Qh] teaulc: calls $0.25 topseed86: folds gnupa: raises $0.85 to $1.10 Rexonja: calls $1.10 Ronny Win: folds VidrikVello: folds teaulc: calls $0.85 *** FLOP *** [7c Jc 7d] teaulc: bets $1 gnupa: calls $1 Rexonja: calls $1 *** TURN *** [7c Jc 7d] [Kc] teaulc: checks gnupa: checks Rexonja: checks *** RIVER *** [7c Jc 7d Kc] [8d] teaulc: bets $2 gnupa: raises $6.45 to $8.45 and is all-in Rexonja: folds teaulc: calls $6.45 *** SHOW DOWN *** gnupa: shows [5h 8c Kd Ks] (a full house, Kings full of Sevens) teaulc: shows [Kh 7s Jh Qh] (a full house, Sevens full of Kings) gnupa collected $22.39 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $23.55 | Rake $1.16 Board [7c Jc 7d Kc 8d] Seat 1: VidrikVello (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 2: teaulc showed [Kh 7s Jh Qh] and lost with a full house, Sevens full of Kings Seat 3: topseed86 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: gnupa showed [5h 8c Kd Ks] and won ($22.39) with a full house, Kings full of Sevens Seat 5: Rexonja (button) folded on the River Seat 6: Ronny Win (small blind) folded before Flop

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Re: what do you do? Call or Fold?

Secondly, and that's my choice, I would have checked to him on that flop. I'm 100% sure, he will fire pot bet on that flop, especially if he has AAxx or KKxx. Obviously, you then check raise him all in, with the same effect, but this time you have him all in on the flop with very much best hand. Problem is, I suspect he has KK and get you both ways. You just getting very unlucky here.
Pretty much spot on :D.
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