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Omaha hand - what would you do here?


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Re: Omaha hand - what would you do here? Well, these situations sucks a lot, depends on how much you able to lose or in wich spot you are?! ... didn't noticed what type of game you played here?! Tournament or cash? if there's a tournament and a pretty good prize money i FOLD without thinking :) If it's a tourney where you can lose a bit maybe i would call, but again... that call do not answers any questions whatever hits the TURN ... and sitting on the SB evenmore ... we know that after we call into raise, we probably won't bet TURN so after our check he probably will follow with little half-over bet. So this is very bad spot from my point of wiev, even if you have that king high flush :) like i mentioned it depends on game type and situation guys playing, you said that it were a tight table so without a doubt good decision :ok

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Re: Omaha hand - what would you do here? Is this not almost as good a flop as you could wish for with that starting hand? - your problems have arisen because you wouldn't have played this hand from anywhere else on the table! (or if you would, I'd like to think you'd raise pre-flop to give you an inkling as to what they're holding) Tight table you say, you can rule out the 2 low diamonds for the nut straight flush as surely he'd want to keep you in the hand and take all your chips after the river? It looks like it's Ace flush then but you'll have a better idea after sitting with him for a while....he could be gambling whilst holding 2 pairs and a made straight hoping to improve (2345)?:unsure The decision is yours....do you feel lucky, punk?:lol By the way, the screenshot is too dark to see his stack size and play but I assume he's went all in after your raise of $600 TQM

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Re: Omaha hand - what would you do here? Raising pre flop with J210K is a way to see what they're holding? got to be idiot doing that. Besides he were betting the FLOP not raising if you can look closer, then came the Raise from that guy, and spot where you are shut up with K high flush ...

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Re: Omaha hand - what would you do here? Maybe SB on BB I would bet out, but not with 5 people in that hand. Just 2nd nut flush draw is no good here. Check that flop and hope for free card. Any pot bet on that flop and I fold, as your stack is not big enough for funning about. But maybe I'm to tight for that hand.

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Re: Omaha hand - what would you do here? Yeah raising pre would be a big mistake, really you need 4cards that work together or 4 split into 2 but 3 is pretty bad. I like your bet size on the flop as you get a lot better idea of their hand than if you had bet smaller. At first i thought this was close (can't see their stack size) but i think card removal can come into play here. We have the Kd and Jd so we can rule out AKdd AJdd KQdd JQdd KTdd JTdd, K9dd-K2dd So essentially there's a lot of Ax we lose to and there's only QTdd that our opponent may stick it in with that we beat - barring sets and weird lower flushes. Without any greats reads i think it's a fold.

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