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After my first meeting with Paul Ross and a chat to other forum members at the tourney in Newcastle Saturday (which was a great day) i have been persuaded to tell my horror story from the GUKPT Blackpool main event. I had got through too day two and we have reached the main buffet break four hours in. I had built up from 22,300 to a just under average stack of 63,700. The last hand before the break i get moved to the feature table, one of the dealers carries my chips for me in a tray which included 2 yellow 5k chips the only two i had had all tourney. I watch the chips get placed on the table then i go for the buffet. On my return i get to the table and my two yellow chips are gone, i ask the dealer where they are and he just shrugged his shoulders i asked again and same response i ask for the floor manager who comes over and i tell him there should be 63,700 chips and that i only have 53,700, he says not to panick and walks off, after a chat with other managers and dealers his exact words to me are "Well we dont know whats happened and that its unfortunate but there is nothing they can do" so i stand there and say so i have paid £1000 of my own money played for 17 hours and your answer is basically tough, he replied by saying sorry mate looked up and shouted start the clock. I could not believe it totally shocked gutted upset you name it every emotion possible, i goes without saying lost the plot and all my chips in 10 mins of restart. I am not saying i would have won it im not saying i would have cashed but it is shocking how i was treated. For those of you who know me (Richard Whitmore) know that i have played these events from the first year they started and that i have never been invovled in anything like this ever.I have posted on 1 other forum and the response i got was amazing so what do my fellow punters lounge players think. Ps thanks to Paul and Graham for the weekend great game lads.

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After my first meeting with Paul Ross and a chat to other forum members at the tourney in Newcastle Saturday (which was a great day) i have been persuaded to tell my horror story from the GUKPT Blackpool main event. I had got through too day two and we have reached the main buffet break four hours in. I had built up from 22,300 to a just under average stack of 63,700. The last hand before the break i get moved to the feature table, one of the dealers carries my chips for me in a tray which included 2 yellow 5k chips the only two i had had all tourney. I watch the chips get placed on the table then i go for the buffet. On my return i get to the table and my two yellow chips are gone, i ask the dealer where they are and he just shrugged his shoulders i asked again and same response i ask for the floor manager who comes over and i tell him there should be 63,700 chips and that i only have 53,700, he says not to panick and walks off, after a chat with other managers and dealers his exact words to me are "Well we dont know whats happened and that its unfortunate but there is nothing they can do" so i stand there and say so i have paid £1000 of my own money played for 17 hours and your answer is basically tough, he replied by saying sorry mate looked up and shouted start the clock. I could not believe it totally shocked gutted upset you name it every emotion possible, i goes without saying lost the plot and all my chips in 10 mins of restart. I am not saying i would have won it im not saying i would have cashed but it is shocking how i was treated. For those of you who know me (Richard Whitmore) know that i have played these events from the first year they started and that i have never been invovled in anything like this ever. I have posted on 1 other forum and the response i got was amazing so what do my fellow punters lounge players think. Ps thanks to Paul and Graham for the weekend great game lads.
I'd be creating a scene until I got the chips back....the louder the better normally gets the correct response in a situation similar to this.:ok TQM
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Re: CHIPS TAKEN IN GUKPT MAIN EVENT I only play online but i would be asking if there was any security cameras watching the floor, if not security very bad, did the dealer back you up and confim you did have 2 yellow chips when you left for the break.

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Re: CHIPS TAKEN IN GUKPT MAIN EVENT Definately would of kicked up a big fuss. I would have asked for the security cameras to be looked at to see where the chips had gone.... I wouldn't have let this go in a £20 freezeout in aspers nevermind a £1k buy in at a big comp. Real bad form from the organisers. :spank

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Re: CHIPS TAKEN IN GUKPT MAIN EVENT Didn't you get most of it back next hand when everyone agreed to give you the pot. I know its no compensation but there is nothing that can be done now surely, I've seen it happen a few times before. When I know the dealers are going to count the stacks during a break I sit there and count mine and tell him what mine is and not to touch my chips as I trust nobody especially when there are 10's of 1000's at stake.

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