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PLWSOP Aftermath - Dave488 wins PLO, Nade wins NLHE


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PL Omaha Dave488 wins the PL Omaha, He receives £210, a custom PL poker set, winners trophy and entry to a £330 event of his choice Heniek31 is the runner up! TGC100969 finishes 3rd to make up the podium NL Holdem Nade wins the NL Holdem, He receives £700, a custom PL poker set, winners trophy and entry to a £1060 GUKPT Main Event of his choice. Marty Wilson is the runner up! Morlspin finishes 3rd to make up the podium Wii Bowling Teaulc wins the wii bowling with a final score of around 236 and takes home the winners trophy Morlspin finishes runner up with a score of 218. Well done all winners.:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Hands of the day! Morlspin made Paul Ross lay down AA on a 3 diamond flop with 72o, Pauls recent great reputation is in tatters and no respect can be given in future events :rollin Nade calls two all ins on the final table with 6 remaining with AQo, he is up against 99 and JJ, he hits two pairs and takes out two players in the same hand which effectively sealed his victory after it gives him 55% of the chips in play with 4 left. Entertainer of the Day Andybell666 is by far the entertainer of the day, comments like these can only be made in his own true style and had us all in stitches, heres a sample! "Im gonna fck you up" "You cnut" "10 Jaegerbombs please" "Make it a trebble" "Theres 7 fit spanish birds in my hostel" :rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! ditto.....horrendous journey home - although things are looking up now me and KingCordier are sitting in our fav cocktail bar with the phone numbers of the two hottest chicks on the train in our back pocket....FACT. Great weekend - thanks to all - and FYI I am available for functions and gigs in the run up to Xmas.

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Got home this afternoon, and don't feel too rough, bearing in mind the levels of alcohol consumed. Rob and I arrived fashionably late for the PLO - not by any Hellmuthian design, more a case of the heavy snow falling causing large traffic delays in Newcastle city centre. We had tried to check in at the Travel Lodge at about 13:40, but we were too early, so had a quick change in the toilets and a taxi in from there - about 50 minutes to travel 5 miles - we could have comes in on skis as quick :loon Late reg for the PLO game, and I was a complete card rack for the next hour, hitting hands galore, and somehow getting a stack of just over 26k to be chip leader at the break :lol Got moved to another table with Big Bad Ken, who looked a fresh as ever after Superfoo's booze and card fest in Chorley the previous night and I didn't win another hand, making some absolutely pathetic attempts to bluff. Got to the final table with what was left of my previously impressive stack, but went out in 9th to Gaz. Rob was 7th (I think) for initial bragging rights. A few more pints of Bulmers (£3.10 a pint - very reasonable :ok), a game of Wii Bowling, back to watch the final throes of the PLO tournament (always interesting to see 5 or 6 people look at their hands, trying to decide who's actually won the hand when all the cards are shown - Gaz saying "I've got a straight there somewhere - I'm just not sure where it is"). More Bowling, get stuck in to the buffet, then on to the Holdem. More to come in Part 2 .....

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Was a great and very eventful weekend as soon as i got to Newcastle what with dodgy Taxi drivers, couldn't check-in to hotel, no taxis stuck in the middle of nowhere - all within an hour of getting there :eek :lol Day went from mental to bizarre as i ended with all the chips and the trophy in the Hold'Em :loon It only genuinely occurred to me i could win the thing with 3 people left, even with a huge stack with 4/5 left i totally assumed someone else was going to win that's why i wasn't too animated with the all-ins etc. and also playing 9hours straight helps lol. Still seems surreal that i actually won it, it feels like i'm minding the trophy until the real winner comes back off holiday or something. Newcastle game was great too, the match was end to end but what i also really liked was mingling with the true geordie fans in the centre so thanks to Morls and Dave for that :clap But what made it all was everyone in general, games played in a great atmosphere it was a lot of fun (though tiring at times ;)). Cheers to Paul Ross, Morls and anyone else involved for the great events, great prizes and getting Mad Marty in on the action, it really was a great and fun experience playing and chatting with such a character and clever player :)

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Thanks for a good game, shame i had to leave early dose anyone know how long my chips lasted? i had about 26k. Best hand was getting superfoo of his AK and winning with my K6 on a J 4 10 10 K board :tongue2 and ko slapdash when i flop a straight :D Can we have it in the summer when the wether is better and i will be there to the end :ok :ok

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! A great weekend, as expected. I flew up on Easyjet from Bristol, and the flight was delayed for three hours because of the snow, but since I'd been wondering "What will I do for three hours in Newcastle before I go to the casino?" that wasn't such a disaster. The flight back left on time, after all the Novacastrians had found their Wellington boots and decided a spot of the white stuff was nothing to make a fuss about. I didn't achieve anything of note in the poker, apart from bluffing Superfoo off trips with eight high in the holdem, but Mozambique won me a Parker ballpoint pen :nana and I sustained a bruise injury playing Wii bowling (who put that table in the way of my swing? :@), at which my first two attempts pretty much marked me down as the second worst player in England, although on my third attempt I beat the champ :dude.

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Part 2 ... It does get a bit hazy, and I'll apologise now if some of the timings are a little bit wayward :unsure Did we really start after 9pm? Was at a table with (I think) Milber, Tom "tgc" Clough, Big Bad Ken (looking a little bit more awake than earlier in the afternoon), and a mate of PLO champ "Farmer John/Dave" - Nessy. Joked with Milber that I would be a rock - only playing premium hands (as I always do ;)) but then faced a tricky decision at the 50/100 level. AKo in early position, and I raised to 300 - called by 3 others, and the flop came Ac6c7d. Early bet of 725, re-raised to 2,000 by me, but re-re-raised all-in for 7,500 by the original bettor, and all of a sudden my AKo looks a bit weak. I folded, convinced that I was up against trips, and drawing very thin. Turns out he had 4c5c, so I was ahead, but he had LOADS of outs- still should have called though. Hung around for ages, including a break when our new PLO Champ bought a round of Jaegerbombs, followed by another round bought by someone I've never met before :ok The guy sat next to me turned 20 at midnight, so there was a refined version of "Happy Birthday" Still felt surprisngly sober but, cards-wise, hung around for ages with nothing much to talk about, before running my KJ in to Nade's AA, and it was Goodnight Vienna - out in the mid-20's, I think. This was at some point between 12:30 and 2:30 - but I'm not sure when :$ Rob was out in about 17th, so more family bragging rights again :\ Went down to sulk at the roulette tables, where I met up with Nessy again, who managed to play for a long while with £20 worth of 25p roulette chips without ever being short :clap. I joined him on the 25p chips, but was not as successful (but not disastrous). As we sank even more Bulmers, some odd younger bloke came to the roulette table, claiming to be down "about £800 or so", and then made various return visits - each time throwing down about £150 in (surprisingly) crisp £50 notes, throwing the chips around, winning a bit, and leaving a few spins later. While we were there, he must have gone through at least another £1,200 :unsure Now, either I was transported by a time machine, or we did actually spend about 3-4 hours there, joined by Pete (Samba) and Rob when they were out, before checking on the progress of the game upstairs and talking to a very charming Katherine, who hadn't been allowed to deal. I saw Nade's monster AQ hand, and we left when down to the last 4, as it was nearly sunrise (well, about 5:30). We shared a cab with John/Dave and Nessy, and we got back to the Travel Lodge soon afterwards - and that's when it got a bit surreal. For those of you who read Part 1, you'll know that we couldn't check in when we first got there on Saturday afternoon, but the receptionist had confirmed that our names were on the PL list. We explained at the time that we would be back very late. So, when we strolled in just before 6am, we had a strange conversation with the night-receptionist (N-R), that went something like this: N-R - "Oh, you should have checked in earlier" S - "We did try to, but it was too early." N-R - "Well, if you book in this late, there might be a charge for a second night" S - "But we're only staying a few hours, and we'll have checked out by 12 noon" N-R - "But if you'd checked in yesterday, that would have been Saturday to Sunday. Now, because you weren't here on Saturday, your stay might be Sunday to Saturday." S - "But we will have left at exactly the same time, how can that be a second night?" N-R - "Head Office might see it that way" At this point, Rob (who had been downing "Skittle Chasers", Cointreau and Red Bull, with Geordiegaz earlier) decided to step in with some diplomacy. R - "Right then, what's the name of the receptionist from this afternoon?" N-R - "Let me check ......... Brenda" R - "And what's your name?" N-R - "What do you want my name for?" R - "Because I can't believe you know what you're doing, and I might want to complain." N-R - "Ok then, it's errrrr ............ David" and we got our keys Thanks to Paul and Morl for sorting out the rooms. I've PM'd you as I didn't actually pay you :$ Great to see some of the old faces again: Al - with this snazzy haircut that shines like an angel when he's under a spotlight (how on earth did he score 239 on the Wii Bowling - he was rubbish later?); Jeremy - who was the most energetic Wii bowler on the day; Heniek - who looked totally bemused playing PLO, or was he just trying to confuse the others at his table; Tom (Nade) who had spent far too much time drinking with the shy, retiring Andy - Bell and looked ready for bed about midnight; Gaz - whose liver must surely be pickled - even at his tender years. The Hicks family and associates - top gents :ok And all of the others - good to see some new faces, even though I could hardly understand them when they spoke quickly. Here's to the next one :beer and thanks for the cap :)

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath!

Thanks for a good game, shame i had to leave early dose anyone know how long my chips lasted? i had about 26k. Best hand was getting superfoo of his AK and winning with my K6 on a J 4 10 10 K board :tongue2 and ko slapdash when i flop a straight :D Can we have it in the summer when the wether is better and i will be there to the end :ok :ok
i think i went out in 11th and your chips where still going then
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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! What a day! Firstly, many thanks to those coming from all different areas of the country in what was horrendous weather conditions. It was totally understandable people dropping out because of the conditions but it was also great to see the guys who managed to make the journey. A big thanks to warbirds who made the journey from Finland to be there (and had his aces cracked early on in the holdem) :clap. I done ok pokerwise despite bubbling the omaha when having a nice stack at one stage and also went fairly deep in the holdem only to be outdone by morls' flush draw beating my trips :eyes. It wasn't the poker that made the day for me though, it was the members, old and new! We have some great characters on here and I don't think I stopped laughing all day. It was great to play on the same table as mad marty and I think I learnt a thing or two off him, the major thing being that mozambique is the only country in the world that uses every vowel in its name! Well done to both winners, Dave488 & Nade. The wins were richly deserved even though Dave rode his luck a little when looking certain to be the bubble in the omaha just before I did but patience seen him through! :clap A big thanks to Dave and mickski for treating everyone around the bar at the break to jaegerbombs (10 in total) :clap. That kick-started my drinking session which ended up with me drinking/sipping around 6 jaegerboms and 5 'skittle bombs' and a few vodka/coke's, vodka/red bull :puke Finally, a big well done and thanks to morlspin & paul ross. I know a lot of organisation went into the event and I think everyone would agree that almost everything went to plan (bar the weather). There was a lot of promotion and advertising going into this event and I think that really helped the numbers which in the end were 30 for the omaha and 48 for the holdem and if we bear in mind that there were numerous drop outs due to the weather I think we could have quite easily of hit 70 runners for the holdem! :clap

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! The final 4 in the omaha, all wearing pl caps (including the dealer, erwin!) dsc001910.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us The winner of the omaha, Dave488 presented with his trophy by morlspin dsc00193f0.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us The runner-up in the omaha, heniek31 dsc00195l.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us The winner of the hold'em, nade presented by Paul Ross (looking a bit weary) dsc00197uo.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us The winner again, nade. dsc00198k.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! I also would like to say thank you to evryone who play on saturnday. It was great weekend for me full of poker --1st warm up at aspers playing over 8 hours then lost my car somewhere between newcastle and stanley at 4am with tons of snow. Me and heniek have to push uphill our 2nd car so few miles travel takes us over hour to get our friend home Saturnday bring even more poker for me --lucker heniek knock me out about 12th in omaha but holden was bit beter. Many congr. to both well deserv winners!! It was very nice to meet all of you --now can put faces to your nicknames Hope to see you all in next PL events And Andy---i promiss to dont knock you out 3rd time in row :))

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Got home about an hour ago, think ill need a few days to get over that weekend :rollin:rollin I must apoligise for my scruffy unshaven look, firstly, but thats a long story, that i wont go to much into at the moment, ill just say it was down to a few beers with the Chorley boys and a very late arrival in Newcastle, that meant a rush to the casino to get a late entry into the Omaha, think we made it by 10 mins, which in hindsight was long enough to have a shave :wall:wall I must say, i really enjoyed the day, meeting some great players and characters. Great to see GeordieGaz, your some character Gaz, sure had me laughing, but i must say, if your on a table with me again and you bubble again :cry, we will have to have serious words , only joking bud, i know that was down to the alcohol this time ;) Poker wise, i was sat next to McG all day, so it seemed, but i was not complaining, because hes a top guy and player and made me feel very welcome, thank you that man. Omaha is a new game to me really, so i was well pleased to cash 5th and it was really nice to play a differant game from holdem, to start with, i must admit, when it got to 5 handed, i was really out of my depth, perhaps this may give me the appetite to start playing the game a bit more though and congrats to Dave for coming back from the short stack and winning it. Well played that man,a great performance. The holdem, went well for me and i enjoyed,some good banter and some good poker played. Think my exit hand will live with me for a long time, not the actual cards but the banter that went on pre flop, i was trying so hard to get Mad Marty to call my all-in with k-q as i was sure, i was in front and we both really needed the double up at the time. "come on Marty, get em in, its squeeky bum time" i say to him, eventually he calls with his k5, BBK is well happy:rollin So he catches a gut shot on the river for a straight with his 5 :cry:cry what could i say, but "it was meant to be squeeky bum time for you Marty, not for me :rollin:rollin Out i go in 4th, but no complaints, only a smile on my face. Thanks to everyone, for making me feel so welcome, a cracking day with some cracking people.

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! I can certainly agree with all thats been written it was a great event to be part of so well done Morls and Paul for the effort they put in:clap:clap Great wins for Dave and Nade:clap A great effort from all who attended despite the weather, I've now had 2 days off work because of the weather. I'M NOT AVOIDING DAVE488 AND HIS HAND BY HAND ACCOUNT OF THE PLO:zzz:zzz:zzz Looking forward to the next one:beer:beer:beer

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Well done to both winner and also well done to those who cashed. My first poker event, which i really enjoyed although i didnt do great. I would also like to say thank you to all thoses who wished me happy birthday :beerand i look forward to any other PL events that i can attend.

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Re: PLWSOP = The Aftermath! Another great PL event :clap:clap:clap. Thank you Paul and Morls for a great work organizing this and dragging me up to Newcastle. Extra incentive to come was to see my two Polish mates Marcin (rejmak) and Michal (PEMPI) again :D. I landed in Geordiland very early on Friday and ended up in Aspers in £20 FO. I think there were around 6 of us. I enjoyed the tourney, even though got unlucky. In the end, it was a freebie, as rejmak finished 6th and we had some stakes in each other :D. Upon leaving casino after 4am, we found enough snow felt to make our trip back to Michal's house a hell. It was about 10 miles and many little hills on the way. We ended up losing a car in one of the villages as it couldn't make it up the hill. Happy to hit the pillow about 5.30. On Saturday, after nice fry up, we hit the casino. Good to see whole brigade of PL and meet all new people. Omaha was a blast and after kicking my fellow country man's ass I finished 2nd :cow. There was no match for Dave's big suck outs, but that is how you win them. Well done mate :notworthy. ME was long and card dead. Not much to mention. Well, maybe when I sat at the table, I got Gaz and Andy to my right. The two, loudest bastards on the floor :lol. After my exit, I had a few nice chats with Warbirds and Foo, not to mention friend of Andy who was speaking perfect Polish with a funky, English accent. His swearing in Polish was brilliant :rollin. And Andy, for some reason, found it extremely amusing listening to two people speaking Polish :rollin. At the FT, I was still supporting rejmak, who went in 7th :clap (I think) and then we had to leave. Sorry for not staying till the end, but I think it was already 5am. Michal, thanks for your hospitality. I hope all goes well in Poland :ok. I met Paul at the station following morning and found out, that Nade won it. I was very, very happy with that. Truly deserved and legend already :clap:clap:clap. Great turn out for the event and hopefully it will be even bigger next time :hope. PS. Shame, that no one, who signed up to this event few days before, hasn't posted a word yet.

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