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Gremlin's Pokerstars RCOOP staking (11-12 till 17-12) Running


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Re: Gremlin's Pokerstars RCOOP staking (11-12 till 17-12)- $374 request - 40% sold PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 55 Tournament, 150/300 Blinds 40 Ante (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Hand Converter from HandHistoryConverter.com CO (t10069) Button (t8102) SB (t9140) Hero (BB) (t8500) UTG (t7249) UTG+1 (t3490) MP1 (t9330) MP2 (t4940) MP3 (t12925) Hero's M: 10.49 Preflop: Hero is BB with K:diamond:, K:club: 6 folds, Button bets t600, SB raises to t9100 (All-In), Hero calls t8160 (All-In), 1 fold Flop: (t17880) 9:diamond:, 6:heart:, 4:heart: (2 players, 2 all-in) Turn: (t17880) A:heart: (2 players, 2 all-in) River: (t17880) 8:heart: (2 players, 2 all-in) Total pot: t17880 Results: SB had A:spade:, Q:spade: (one pair, Aces). Hero had K:diamond:, K:club: (one pair, Kings). Outcome: SB won t17880 ============= Sorry guys, AQ beat my KK

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Re: Gremlin's Pokerstars RCOOP staking (11-12 till 17-12) Running Evaluation: 1) My presumption that the field would be softer with only players from the Benelux was wrong. There was no added value at all in these games. 2) 4 MTT is risky. With large field MTT's playing just 4 games is really risky in the sense that the fluctuation is really high. Chance of me hitting a no hitter is bigger then I like. Conclusion: Next time I'll make sure there is real added value. And I'll try and get a larger play sample (more games).

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