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Big blind play


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Hi all, I'd like some advice quickly here please. $0.02/$0.04 cash game. A couple of incorrect decisions has left my stack down by just over 25% Seat 1: JimGodders ($2.91 in chips) Seat 2: FosOne ($5.51 in chips) Seat 3: jaass ($4.12 in chips) Seat 4: lamacana ($4.11 in chips) Seat 5: irishka777 ($5.31 in chips) Seat 6: PompiQuE ($3.98 in chips) Seat 7: PokerSchora ($5.92 in chips) Seat 8: rpSpirit_ ($7.64 in chips) Seat 9: Tezzi_72 ($2.10 in chips) Seat 10: balugbug2 ($3.83 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS balugbug2 posts small blind ($0.02), JimGodders posts big blind ($0.04), PRE-FLOP FosOne folds, jaass folds, lamacana folds, irishka777 folds, PompiQuE folds, PokerSchora folds, rpSpirit_ folds, Tezzi_72 folds, balugbug2 raises to $0.12, JimGodders raises to $0.36, balugbug2 calls $0.36. FLOP [board cards: 8H,2S,JC ] balugbug2 checks, JimGodders bets $0.36, balugbug2 raises to $0.72 No read on the player yet. 2 questions: 1) Would anyone have played pre-flop differently (if so, why)? 2) Fold, call or re-raise the check/raise on the flop?

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Re: Big blind play

No read on the player yet. 2 questions: 1) Would anyone have played pre-flop differently (if so, why)? 2) Fold, call or re-raise the check/raise on the flop?
IMO. If you have no reads then I would say you have to assumed that he has raised preflop so is likely to have a hand, AK-J, AA, KK, QQ or JJ. I don't think you did anything wrong preflop, you raised he called. Again he is likely to have a hand. The flop action again suggests he has a good hand... personally I would fold 1010 on the re-raise especially if you have no idea how he has been playing. Good luck :ok
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